Edition of 1879. See also Parker County, Texas on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1322598The American Cyclopædia — Parker

PARKER, a N. county of Texas, intersected by the Brazos river; area, 900 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 4,186, of whom 293 were colored. It consists of prairie and woodland in about equal proportions. The soil is productive. Wheat, corn, cotton, and fruits and vegetables thrive. The chief productions in 1870 were 13,658 bushels of wheat, 70,685 of Indian corn, 10,905 of oats, 13 bales of cotton, and 20,050 lbs. of butter. There were 1,497 horses, 1,222 milch cows, 10,348 other cattle, 944 sheep, and 4,383 swine. Capital, Weatherford.