The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Paterculus, Caius Velleius
PATERCULUS, Caius Velleius, a Roman historian, born about 19 B. C. He attended C. Cæsar in his eastern expedition in A. D. 2, and subsequently served under Tiberius in Germany, Pannonia, and Dalmatia. He was quæstor in 7, and prætor in 15. His Roman history, a brief compendium, of which a part is lost, appears to have been written in A. D. 30, and bears the title of C. Velleii Paterculi Historiæ Romanæ, ad M. Vinicium Cos. Libri II. It is chiefly remarkable for its excellent style. The manuscript was discovered in the monastery of Murbach in Alsace by Beatus Rhenanus, who printed it at Basel in 1520.