PETTIS, a W. central county of Missouri, drained by La Mine river and branches; area, about 600 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 18,706, of whom 2,126 were colored. It has an undulating surface with extensive prairies and forests, and the soil is fertile. The Missouri Pacific railroad and the Lexington branch pass through it. The chief productions in 1870 were 270,245 bushels of wheat, 920,178 of Indian corn, 312,416 of oats, 55,250 of potatoes, 146,905 lbs. of butter, 48,989 of wool, and 10,817 tons of hay. There were 7,060 horses, 2,012 mules and asses, 5,376 milch cows, 7,245 other cattle, 17,928 sheep, and 25,726 swine; 2 manufactories of boots and shoes, 5 of carriages and wagons, 1 of patent medicines, 4 of saddlery and harness, 1 brewery, and 5 flour mills. Capital, Sedalia.