The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Spindler, Karl

1188024The American Cyclopædia — Spindler, Karl

SPINDLER, Karl, a German novelist, born in Breslau, Oct. 16, 1796, died at Freiersbach, Baden, July 12, 1855. He was educated at Strasburg, joined in Germany a company of strolling players, and resided from 1832 at Baden-Baden. His reputation rests on his historical romances, Der Bastard (3 vols., Zürich, 1826), Der Jude (4 vols., Stuttgart, 1827), Der Jesuit (3 vols., 1829), and Der Invalide (5 vols., 1831). His complete works include 102 volumes (1831-'54), besides minor novels contained in his periodical publication Vergissmeinnicht (1830-'55).