The Amulet for 1826/The Trumpet

The Amulet for 1826 (1825)
The Trumpet by Felicia Hemans
4389253The Amulet for 1826 — The Trumpet1825Felicia Hemans



The Trumpet's voice hath roused the land,
Light up the beacon-pyre!
A hundred hills have seen the brand,
And waved the sign of fire!
A hundred banners to the breeze
Their gorgeous folds have cast,
And, hark! was that the sound of seas?
A king to war went past!

The chief is arming in his hall,
    The peasant by his hearth;
The mourner hears the thrilling call,
    And rises from the earth!
The mother on her first-born son
    Looks with a boding eye;—
They come not back, tho' all be won,
    Whose young hearts leap so high.

The bard hath ceased his song, and bound
The falchion to his side;
E'en for the marriage altar crowned,
The lover quits his bride!
And all this haste, and change, and fear,
By earthly clarion spread!
How will it be when kingdoms hear
The blast that wakes the dead?