The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Arise, My Soul, Arise

For other versions of this work, see Arise, My Soul, Arise.
The Army and Navy Hymnal
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
Arise, My Soul, Arise by Charles Wesley
(Lenox by Lewis Edson)
1767681The Army and Navy Hymnal — Arise, My Soul, AriseCharles Wesley
(Lenox by Lewis Edson)

\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Arise, My Soul, Arise" "         " "82" } subsubtitle = "(LENOX. H. M.)" composer = "Lewis Edson" poet = "Charles Wesley, 1708-1788" }
\score { << << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \key bes \major \time 4/4 \partial 2 \relative bes' {
  <bes d,>2 | 
  q4 q << { f4 } \\ { f4 } >> <g es>4 | 
  <f c>2. <f d>4 | 
  <bes d,>4 <c f,> <d f,> <c es,> | 
  <bes d,>2 q | 
  <d f,>4 <f f,> \bar"" \break
  <d f,> <bes f> | 
  <c f,>2. q4 | 
  <d f,> <bes g> <c g> <a f> | 
  <bes f>2. <f d>4 | 
  <bes d,> q q <f d> | 
  <g es> q q \bar"||" \break
  <bes d,> | 
  <c f,> q q <d f,> | 
  <bes d,> q q << { f4 } \\ { f4 } >> |
  <g es>4 q q <bes f> |
  <c es,>2 << { a2 } \\ { c,4 ( es ) } >> |
  <bes' d,>2 \bar "|."
  \cadenzaOn <bes es,> <bes d,> \bar ".." 
  } }
%\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
%\set stanza = #"1."
%\markup\smallCaps {A}2 -- \markup\smallCaps {men.} 
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \clef bass \key bes \major \relative bes {
  <f bes,>2 |
  q4 <bes bes,> <bes d,> <bes es,> |
  <a f>2. <a d,>4 |
  << { g4 } \\ { g4 } >> <a f>4 << { bes4 } \\ { bes4 } >> <a f>4 |
  <bes bes,>2 q |
  << { bes4 } \\ { bes4 } >>  <c a>4 %end of 1st line
  << { bes4 } \\ { bes4 } >> <bes d,>4 |
  <a f>2. q4 |
  << { bes4 } \\ { bes4 } >> <bes g>4 <es es,> <c f,> |
  <d bes,>2. <bes bes,>4 |
  <f bes,> q q <bes bes,> |
  <bes es,> q q %end of 2nd line
  <bes bes,> | 
  <a f> q q <a d,> |
  <bes g> q q <bes d,> |
  <bes es,> q q <f d> |
  <g c,>2 << { f2 } \\ { f2 } >> |
  <f bes,>2 %end of tune
  \cadenzaOn <g es> <bes bes,>
  } } 
  >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 80 } }

  1. Arise, my soul, arise!
    Shake off thy guilty fears;
    The bleeding Sacrifice
    In my behalf appears;
    Before the throne my Surety stands,
    Before the throne my Surety stands;
    My name is written on his hands.
  2. He ever lives above,
    For me to intercede,
    His all redeeming love,
    His precious blood to plead;
    His blood atoned for all our race,
    And sprinkled now the throne of grace.
  3. My God is reconciled ;
    His pardoning voice I hear;
    He owns me for his child;
    I can no longer fear;
    With confidence I now draw nigh,
    With confidence I now draw nigh,
    And Father, Abba, Father, cry. Amen.