The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Let Freemen's Hearts Grow Bolder

For other versions of this work, see Webb.
The Army and Navy Hymnal
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
Let Freemen's Hearts Grow Bolder by Louis FitzGerald Benson
(Webb by George James Webb)
1934166The Army and Navy Hymnal — Let Freemen's Hearts Grow BolderHenry Augustine SmithLouis FitzGerald Benson
(Webb by George James Webb)

235 Let Freemen's Hearts Grow Bolder
(WEBB. 7,6,7,6,D.)
Louis F. Benson, 1917 George J. Webb, 1837
  1. Let free- men's hearts grow bold - er;
    Let free-dom's ban-ner fiy
    Where God's four winds en - fold her
    To God's un - chart - ed sky.
    His Word and not an - oth er's
    Is pledged to lib - er - ty;
    His hand hath made men broth - ers,
    His truth shall make men free.
  2. Where free- dom's flag is fly - ing
    In lands a - cross the sea,
    On thee we are re - ly - ing,
    Great God, we count on thee!
    For right is right for ev -er,
    Tho' men have crowned the wrong,
    And truth shall per - ish nev - er
    Great God, how long ? how long ?
  3. When our brave lads are dy ing
    In lands a - cross the sea,
    On thee we are re - ly - ing,
    Great God, they die for thee!
    And if we lay them sleep - ing
    In lands be - yond the sea,
    God have them in thy keep - ing
    We leave them there with thee.