The Art of German Cooking and Baking/Omelets, Pancakes, Waffles, Noodles and Pies

The Art of German Cooking and Baking
by Lina Wachtelborn Meier
Omelets, Pancakes, Waffles, Noodles and Pies
2545858The Art of German Cooking and Baking — Omelets, Pancakes, Waffles, Noodles and PiesLina Wachtelborn Meier


Omelets, Pancakes, Waffles, Noodles and Pie.

The Various Preparations of Omelets, Pancakes, Waffles, Noodles, as Sweet Pastry and Small Side-dishes.

No. 1—OMELET FOR BREAKFAST. Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 10 eggs
  • 4 tbsps. of cream or milk
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 1½ tsps. of flour
  • ¼ tsp. salt

Preparation: The yolks of 10 eggs are beaten 3 minutes with cream, flour, salt. The beaten whites are stirred in lightly. A large round spider is heated, the butter melted in it, the egg batter poured in and baked 1 minute on the stove, then put into the oven for 5 minutes. The omelet must be a nice yellow color; do not turn it over. Serve on a hot platter.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 5 eggs
  • 3 tbsps. of milk or cream
  • ¼ tsp. of salt
  • 1 tbsp. of butter
  • ½ glass jelly or preserves
  • Sugar to sprinkle
  • 1 tsp. of flour

Preparation: The preparation is the same as under No. 1, also the baking. When the omelet is done, put jelly or preserves on one-half of it and fold the other half over to cover it. Sprinkle sugar over and serve at once.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 8 eggs
  • 3 tbsps. of cream or milk
  • ¼ tsp. of salt
  • 1 lb. canned asparagus or cooked fresh ones
  • 1 tbsp. of butter
  • 1 tsp. of flour

The preparation is the same as No. 1. The asparagus pieces are mixed into the batter and baked the same as No. 1. Serve at once.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 8 eggs
  • 3 tbsps. of cream or milk
  • ¼ tsp. of salt
  • 1 tsp. of flour
  • ½ pt. can of fine peas
  • 1 tbsp. of butter

Preparation: The water is drained from the peas. Beat the yolks, cream, flour and salt 3 minutes and stir in the peas and the beaten whites of eggs. Bake as given under No. 1 and serve at once.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 10 eggs
  • 4 tbsps. of cream or milk
  • ¼ tsp. of salt
  • 2 tbsps. of Parmesan cheese
  • ⅛ lb. of butter
  • 1 cup of roast gravy
  • 1 pinch of pepper

Preparation: Eggs, cream, salt, pepper are beaten 5 minutes and the melted butter stirred in. A broad spider is heated with a little butter, the omelet batter poured in, the pan shaken to and fro until the batter is baked. Then slip the omelet carefully on a hot platter, sprinkle with cheese, roll it up, pour a little gravy over and serve at once. Stewed oysters may be rolled in the omelets.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 8 eggs
  • ¼ cup of cream
  • 1 tsp. of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • ⅛ lb. of fresh butter
  • 1 portion of champignon puree or
  • 1 portion of veal hash
  • 1 tbsp. of Parmesan cheese.

Preparation: Preparation and baking are the same as given under No. 5, Omelet With Cheese. When the omelet is done, cover it well with champignon puree, (see Chapter 11, No. 62,) roll up the omelet, sprinkle it with cheese and serve at once. Remarks: Pour a cup of gravy over the omelet.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 6 fresh eggs
  • 1 pt. of whipped cream
  • ¼ tsp. of salt
  • Scant ¼ cup of fresh butter
  • ½ cup of flour

Preparation: Yolks of eggs, flour and salt are mixed well with the beaten whites of eggs and the cream. Melt the butter in a broad spider, pour in the omelet batter and bake in medium hot oven 10 minutes until golden yellow.

Remarks: The omelet may be sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.


Prepare the omelet No. 7, fill it with jelly or preserves and serve a fruit sauce with it.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 6 fresh eggs
  • 1 pt. whipped cream
  • ½ cup of flour
  • ¼ tsp. of salt
  • ¼ cup of butter
  • 1 cup of strawberry or plum marmalade


  • 6 whites of eggs
  • Fruit for garnishing
  • ½ lb. of sugar

Preparation: Yolks of eggs, flour, salt and sugar are mixed well. Add the beaten whites of eggs and the whipped cream. The butter is heated in a broad spider, the omelet batter poured in and baked in medium hot oven 10 to 13 minutes until golden yellow. When done, spread it with plum, prune, strawberry or apricot marmalade.

Beat the 6 whites of eggs to a stiff froth, stir into it the ½ pound of sugar, then put into a cornucopia from which the point has been cut off. Now press the frosting through the opening and make figures on the omelet, put it into the oven for 15 minutes until the frosting is of a light yellow color. When done, serve on a warm platter and garnish with sugared fruit. Serve at once.

Remarks: The frosting must be ready when the omelet is taken out of the oven the first time. Cover it with fruit marmalade and the figures or designs of frosting and finish baking it in the oven.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 4 eggs
  • ½ pt. of milk
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1¼ tsps. baking powder
  • ¼ tsp. of salt
  • Butter or lard for baking

Preparation: Yolks of eggs, milk, flour and salt are mixed well with beaten whites of eggs and lastly the baking powder. Heat the butter or lard in a small pan or spider, put in 2 tablespoonfuls of batter and bake it to a nice color. When baked on one side, turn the pancakes and bake on the other side. Remarks: If you use a large spider, put in 3 to 3 pancakes and bake them at once.

Potato Pancakes.

For preparation see No. 17, Chapter 11, Potato Pancakes.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 6 eggs
  • ½ pt. of milk
  • ½ cup of flour
  • ¼ tsp. of salt
  • Butter for baking
  • Jelly or fruit marmalade for stuffing
  • Sugar and cinnamon to sprinkle
  • 1 tbsp. of sugar

Preparation: The eggs are beaten 5 minutes with milk, flour, sugar and salt. Heat a large spider and put in the butter, then 4 to 5 tablespoonfuls of pancake batter and bake until golden yellow on both sides. Spread with the jelly or marmalade, roll up the pancake, place it on a platter and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. This recipe will make 6 pancakes. They must be baked very thin.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ½ qt. of flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 tbsps. of melted butter
  • ¼ tsp. of baking powder
  • 1¼ cups of milk

Preparation: Flour, yolks of eggs, milk, butter and salt are stirred well with beaten whites of eggs and baking powder.

Grease a waffle iron, put in 2 to 3 tablespoonfuls of batter and bake the waffles to a nice brown color, turning it to bake on both sides. Serve at once.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

4 eggs 2½ cups of flour 2 cups of sour milk ½ tsp. of soda 2 tbsps. of sour cream Lard for baking

Preparation: The 4 yolks of eggs, milk, cream, flour, are mixed well and the soda dissolved in 1 tablespoonful of milk stirred in; add t)he beaten whites of eggs and bake according to No. 12.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ½ lb. of butter
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ lb. of sugar
  • ¼ lb. of fine flour
  • ¼ lb. of corn starch
  • ¼ tbsp. of grated lemon peel
  • Lard for baking
  • Vanilla sugar to sprinkle over

Preparation: The butter is washed so it does not contain any salt, then creamed. Add the eggs, sugar, flour and lemon and bake the batter in a waffle iron. Put ½ teaspoonful of lard on each half of the iron, then put in three tablespoonfuls of batter, close the iron and bake 8 minutes, turning it to bake on both sides. Sprinkle with vanilla sugar.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ½ lb. of butter
  • 4 eggs
  • ¼ cup of sugar
  • ½ grated lemon peel
  • ¾ pt. of milk or cream
  • 1–2 cents worth of yeast
  • ½ lb. of flour
  • Lard for baking
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg

Preparation: Cream the butter, stir in eggs, sugar, lemon peel, nutmeg. The yeast is dissolved in the cream which has been warmed, stirred into the mixture, then flour added to make a stiff batter. Set to rise in a warm place. Grease the waffle iron, put in 3 tablespoonfuls of batter, close the iron and bake the waffles light brown, turning the iron to bake on both sides. Waffles must be baked and served quickly, because they are apt to lose their crispness and become tough. When serving, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ¼ lb. of fresh, very cold butter
  • ½ glass of very cold water
  • 1½ cups of flour

For the Filling.

  • 1 large cup of sugar
  • 2 tbsps. of flour
  • Juice of one large lemon
  • 1 small lemon peel
  • 1 large cup of boiling water
  • 2 tbsps. of boiling water
  • 2 yolks of eggs
  • 1 egg

For Frosting.

  • 2 whites of eggs
  • 6 tbsps. of sugar

Preparation: The 1½ cups of flour are put into a dish, the hard butter cut into it and rubbed, not kneaded; gradually add ½ glass of cold water, work lightly, roll it out and line a pie tin with the paste, making a high rim. Then bake it in oven and prepare the filling. Mix the sugar with 2 tablespoonfuls of flour, lemon juice, grated lemon rind and hot water and boil 1 minute, stirring constantly, then cool and mix in the 2 yolks and one whole egg. Put this filling into the baked crust and set aside for a few minutes to thicken. The frosting is made by beating the 2 whites of eggs to a stiff froth, stir in the 6 tablespoonfuls of sugar, cover the pie filling with it and put back into the oven and bake to a light brown color.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • % lb. of butter
  • ½ glass of water
  • 1½ cups of flour

For the Filling.

  • 4 medium sized sour apples
  • ½ cup of sugar

For Frosting.

  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup of cream
  • 2 tbsps. of sugar
  • ¼ tsp. of cinnamon

Preparation: The paste is prepared as given under No. 16. The apples are peeled, cored, sliced, placed into a pie tin lined with paste, sugar strewn over and baked in oven.

The frosting is then made by beating the 3 yolks of eggs with cream, sugar, cinnamon and the beaten whites. When the apples in the pie are done, pour on the frosting and put back into the oven until the frosting turns a light brown color. Apple pie must be served warm.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ⅓ lb. of cold butter
  • ¾ glass of cold water
  • 3 cups of flour

For the Filling.

  • 4 medium sized apples
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • ¼ tsp. of cinnamon
  • ¼ glass white wine

Preparation: The paste is prepared like No. 16. Half of it is rolled out and the pie tin lined with it. The apples are peeled, cored, sliced, put into the crust which is not yet baked, sugar and cinnamon strewn on, the white wine sprinkled over, the rest of the paste rolled out, 4 slits cut in the center and placed over the apples, fastening the edge well by pressing it down and cutting off the superfluous crust. Bake to a nice brown color.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ⅓ lb. of cold butter
  • ¾ cup of cold water
  • 2¼ cups of flour

For the Filling.

  • 1–2 qts. of berries
  • 1 cup of sugar

Prepare the crust as before, (See No. 16, Lemon Pie), roll out half of the crust, line a pie tin with it, fill with berries and sugar, cover as before, (see No. 18), and bake in oven to a nice brown color.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ¼ lb. of butter
  • ½ cup of water
  • 1½ cups of flour

For the Filling.

1–2 qts. of berries
  • 1 cup of sugar

For the Frosting.

  • 1 pt. whipped cream
  • 2 tbsps. of sugar
  • 1 tsp. of vanilla

Preparation: The pie crust is prepared and baked as given under No. 16. Then the berries and sugar are put in and put back into oven 15 minutes until berries are cooked, cool off, mix the whipped cream with sugar and vanilla and garnish the pie with it or spread evenly over the top and garnish with raw strawberries.

No. 21— PEACH PIE.

Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ⅓ lb. of cold butter
  • 2¼ cups of flour
  • 2 lbs. of peaches
  • ¾ cup of sugar
  • ¾ cup of cold water

Preparation: Prepare the pie crust as in No. 16, but do not bake. Peel the peaches and remove the stones, then slice them, put into the pie and sprinkle the sugar over. Cover with the rest of the crust and bake to a nice brown color.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ¼ lb. of butter
  • ½ glass of water
  • 1½ cups of flour

For Filling.

  • 1 pt. of squash
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp. of vanilla
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg
  • ½ cup of cream or milk
  • ½ tbsp. of corn starch

Preparation: Prepare the crust as in No. 16, but do not bake it. Cook the squash, rub through a sieve or colander, add eggs, vanilla, nutmeg, cream, corn starch and put into the crust, bake 45 minutes.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ¼ lb. of cold butter
  • ½ glass of cold water
  • 1½ cups of flour

For Filling.

  • ¼ medium sized pumpkin
  • ½ cup of molasses
  • ¾ pt. of boiling milk
  • 1 tsp. of salt
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • 2 tsps. of cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg
  • 2 eggs

Preparation: The pie crust is prepared as in No. 16. The pumpkin is cut into pieces and cooked until tender. Rub through a colander or sieve, take 2½ cups of pumpkin puree, mix it with molasses, milk, salt, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and cook 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Lastly stir in 3 eggs, put into the crust and bake 45 minutes.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ¼ lb. of cold butter
  • ½ glass of cold water
  • 1½ cups of flour

Mince Filling.

  • 1 lb. of lean beef
  • 1 lb. of sour apples
  • ½ cup of molasses
  • ¼ cup of sugar
  • ½ tsp. of ground cloves
  • ½ tsp. of ground cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp. of grated nutmeg
  • ¼ cup of brandy
  • ¼ tsp. of salt
  • ½ pt. of cider
  • ¼ lb. of raisins
  • ¼ lb. of dried currants
  • 1 tbsp. of chopped, sugared, citron
  • 2 tbsps. of butter
  • ¼ lb. of suet

Preparation: The pie crust is prepared as in No. 16. The mince filling is prepared by cooking the lean beef in a little water, then removing fat and membranes, and chopping it fine. Apples are peeled, cored, chopped. Mix apples, meat, molasses, sugar, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, suet, chopped fine, cider, raisins, currants, citron, butter, salt and brandy, put into the crust and bake 45 minutes.

Remarks: This filling may be sufficient for 2 pies. The mince meat not used is kept in a sealed glass can.


Quantity for 4 Pies.

  • 2 lbs. of lean beef
  • 1 lb. of beef suet
  • 5 lbs. sour apples
  • 1 lb. of raisins
  • 2 lbs. of currants
  • ¾ lb. of minced citron
  • 1 tsp. of salt
  • ½ lb. of brown sugar
  • 1 cup of molasses
  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • ½ pt. of brandy
  • 2 tsps. of all kinds of spices

Preparation: The meat is prepared as in No. 24. Apples, suet and citron are treated as given in No. 34 and the whole mixed vdth the spices, i. e., 1 teaspoonful of pulverized cinnamon, ¾ teaspoonful of cloves, ¼ teaspoonful of nutmeg, salt, sugar, molasses, raisins, currants, juice of orange and lemon and brandy. Stir it for 10 minutes, put it into a glass can and seal.


  • ⅓ lb. of cold butter
  • ¾ glass cold water
  • 2¼ cups of flour

For the Filling.

  • 1 tbsp. of flour
  • 1½ qts. pie plants, cut up
  • 1½ cups of sugar

Preparation: Prepare the pie crust as in No. 16. The pie plants are skinned and cut into 1 inch pieces, then put into pie crust, strew sugar and 1 tablespoonful of flour over, cover with a crust, making slits in the center, and bake 45 minutes.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ¼ lb. of cold butter
  • ½ glass water
  • 1½ cups of flour

For the Filling.

  • 2 cups of crushed and strained grapes
  • 2½ cups of sugar

Preparation: The dough is prepared as in No. 16. The grapes crushed in a sieve or colander, to remove the seeds and shells, then mixed with the sugar, put into the crust. Cover with strips of pie crust and bake 45 minutes.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ¼ lb. of cold butter
  • ½ glass of water
  • 1½ cups of flour

For the Filling.

  • 1 cup of light brown sugar
  • 1 cup of sour cream
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp. of grated lemon peel

Preparation: Prepare the crust as in No. 16 and bake it. Sour cream, sugar, yolks of eggs, lemon peel, beaten whites of eggs are mixed well and put into the baked crust and baked 15 minutes in medium hot oven.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ¼ lb. of cold butter
  • ½ glass of water
  • 1½ cups of flour

For the Filling.

  • 2 cups of cream
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • 2 tbsps. of flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 9 tbsps. of sugar
  • 1 tbsp. of vanilla

Preparation: Prepare the crust as in No. 16 and bake it. For the filling, mix the cream, ½ cup of sugar, flour, vanilla and cook in double boiler until thick, then stir in the 3 yolks of eggs, put into the crust and bake in oven 10 minutes. Now make the frosting with 3 beaten whites of eggs and the 9 tablespoonfuls of sugar stirred in, cover the pie and bake in oven until light brown.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given under No. 6, Chapter 6, Poultry, see Chicken Pie.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ½ lb. of good cold butter
  • ½ lb. of fine flour
  • ¼ pt. of cold water
  • 1 white of egg
  • 1 tbsp. of rum
  • ¼ tsp. of baking powder

Preparation: Flour, water, egg, rum and baking powder are mixed into a paste. The cold butter is cut on the paste, folded around it and rolled out. This repeated 3 times and the paste rolled out, cut into 6 small tarts or 1 large one.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Preparation: The ingredients and preparation are the same as given under No. 31. The rolled out paste is cut into all kinds of shapes, sprinkled with sugar and covered with fruit marmalade, then folded over, baked to a nice brown color, brushed with white of egg and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Preparation: Ingredients and preparation are the same as under No. 31. The paste is rolled out to ¼ inch thickness, cut out with a medium large tumbler, cut into halves and baked.

Remarks: These scallops are used for garnishing ragout.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Preparation: Prepare the paste as given under No. 31, roll it out to ¼ inch thickness and cut out 12 disks, then with a smaller cutter cut out the centers of these, so as to form 13 rings. 6 of the small disks cut out of the centers are used to cover the tarts and the other 6 are folded together and rolled out to 1/6 inch thickness and 6 disks cut out a little larger than the rings. These are for the under crust. Set the rings upon the larger disks and fasten them on with beaten egg, brush the ring with beaten egg and put on a second ring. Then bake them in the oven, also the small disks as covers. Fill each tart with anything you like and put the cover on, put back into oven for a few minutes and serve.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are the same as given in Chapter 3, Veal, No. 28, Sweetbread Patties.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are the same as given under Chapter 6, No. 7, Puff Paste Patties.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given in No. 14, Chapter 6.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given in No. 25, Chapter 6, Goose Liver Pie.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given under No. 37, Chapter 6, Pheasant Pie.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given under No. 39, Chapter 6.


Venison, Doe, Boar, Rabbit.

Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given under No. 11, Chapter 7, Cold Game Pie.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given under No. 32, Chapter 7, Rabbit Pie.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given under No. 57, Chapter 8, Fish.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 4 eggs
  • Piece of butter size of walnut
  • 2 cups of flour

Preparation: Beat the eggs and butter well, mix in the flour gradually, knead the dough 20 minutes, roll it out very thin, so it is almost transparent, then roll it up and cut in ¼ inch slices for cooking and baking and still finer for soup, then dry them thoroughly.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given under No. 44. These dried noodles are cooked in 5 qts. of boiling salt water 10 minutes, then the water is drained off.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given under No. 44. The fine soup noodles are cooked in bouillon 15 minutes.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given under No. 12, Chapter 5, Pork, Boiled Ham and Noodles.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 2 eggs
  • Piece of butter, size of ½ walnut 1 lb. of apples
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • ¼ cup of currants
  • 1 cup of flour
  • Salt water
  • ½ cup of peeled, chopped almonds
  • 1 cup of water
  • ½ tsp. of cinnamon

Preparation: The noodles are prepared like No. 44, cooked in salt water 10 minutes and the water drained off. The apples are peeled, cored and sliced. Butter a baking-dish or casserole and put in a layer of noodles, then apples, currants, sugar, cinnamon and almonds, repeat 2 or 3 times until all is used. The last layer should be noodles. Pour the cup of water over, place little pieces of butter on top and bake in oven 1 hour.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 2 eggs Piece of butter, size of ½ egg
  • 1 cup of flour

For the Filling.

  • 4 medium sized apples
  • ½ cup of almonds
  • 2 tbsps. of citron
  • ¼ cup of currants
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • ¼ tsp. of cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp. of butter
  • ⅛ lb. of butter for baking

Preparation: The eggs and butter are mixed with the cup of flour and a noodle dough made which is rolled out to be almost transparent. The apples are peeled, cored and chopped into quite small pieces, the almonds peeled and almonds and citron chopped quite fine. All these are placed on the dough, then sugar, cinnamon, currants and lastly the tablespoonful of butter cut into small pieces added, these rolled up in the dough and placed into a long pan. The ⅛ lb. of butter is cut in pieces and put on the strudel and this is baked in the oven to a nice color. Cream may be served with this as dressing.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 2 eggs
  • Butter, the size of
  • ¼ cup of milk
  • 2 cups of flour
  • ½ tsp. of baking powder
  • 6 medium sized apples
  • ½ egg 12 strawberries
  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon
  • Lard for baking

Preparation: Butter and eggs are mixed well, then milk and flour added and lastly the baking powder, a smooth paste made and rolled out thin. The apples are peeled, cored and left whole, then each apple filled with fresh or preserved strawberries. Each apple is wrapped into a piece of paste, which is pressed around it, so it cannot come off and fry in deep fat. When done, strew with sugar and cinnamon and serve hot.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

For the Pancake Batter.

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of flour
  • ½ cup of milk
  • ¼ tsp. of salt
  • 3 medium sized apples
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • ¼ tsp. of cinnamon
  • Butter for baking
  • Sugar and cinnamon for sprinkling.
  • ½ glass white wine

Preparation: Eggs, flour, milk and salt are stirred to a pancake batter. The apples are peeled and cut into thick slices, the core carefully removed, the white wine with sugar and cinnamon poured over the slices, covered and left standing for 1 hour.

Heat the butter in a pan, dip the apple slices into the batter and put them into the hot butter, then put on another tablespoonful of batter and bake on both sides to a nice brown color. Strew sugar and cinnamon over. Serve hot.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ½ lb. of macaroni
  • 3 qts. of water
  • 1 tbsp. of salt
  • 1 medium sized onion
  • 2 cloves
  • ⅛ lb. of butter
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • ⅛ lb. of grated Parmesan cheese

Preparation: The macaroni is broken into pieces and cooked well in boiling salt water, which will require ½ hour. Drain the water off, strew pepper and grated cheese on, put the butter on and cook a while longer. Serve hot with a tomato or lobster dressing.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are the same as given under No. 52, but these are put into a buttered baking-dish, ¾ pt. of cream poured on, roll crumbs and butter on top and baked in the oven to a nice color.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given in Chapter 5, No. 13, Boiled Ham With Macaroni.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ½ lb. of macaroni
  • 3 qts. of water
  • 1 tbsp. of salt
  • 2 lbs. of boiled fish
  • ¼ lb. of grated Parmesan cheese
  • ½ pt. white wine
  • 1 tbsp. of flour
  • 1 pt. of cream or milk
  • 2 tbsps. of lemon juice
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • ½ cup sliced champignons
  • ¼ lb. of butter

Preparation: The macaroni is broken into inch pieces and boiled in 3 qts. of salt water. The fish is cleaned, dressed and boiled in salt water, then the skin and bones are taken out and the fish cut into small pieces. Butter a baking-dish, put in a layer of macaroni, then fish and Parmesan cheese and champignons, sprinkled with white wine. Repeat this 3 times, the last layer being macaroni. A dressing is made of ⅛ lb. of melted butter into which the flour, cream or milk, lemon juice, salt and pepper are stirred, this poured over the macaroni, the ⅛ lb. of butter cut in small pieces, sprinkled over the top and baked in the oven to a nice color.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ½ lb. of macaroni
  • 3 qts. of water, for cooking
  • 1 tbsp. of salt
  • Scant ¼ lb. of butter
  • ⅛ lb. of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ pt. of cream
  • 1 pinch of pepper and one of salt

Preparation: The macaroni is broken into 1 inch pieces, cooked in 3 qts. of salt water, and drained. Cream the butter, stir in the yolks of eggs, cheese, salt, pepper and macaroni. Beat the whites of eggs and add, stirring lightly. Put into a buttered baking-dish or casserole, which has been strewn with bread crumbs, cover well, set in a steamer over a kettle of boiling water and cook 1 hour. Serve with a truffle or brown butter dressing and turn pudding out on a platter.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ½ pt. of flour
  • ½ pt. of corn meal
  • ⅓ cup of sugar
  • ½ pt. of milk
  • 2 tbsps. of melted butter
  • 2 tsps. of baking powder
  • 2 eggs

Preparation: Flour, corn meal, sugar, eggs, milk and melted butter are mixed to a smooth batter, the baking powder added, then small muffin tins buttered and filled with dough. Bake 20 minutes.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ¼ lb. of butter
  • ½ glass water
  • 1½ cups of flour

For the Filling.

  • ¼ lb. of sugar
  • ¼ lb. grated sweet chocolate
  • ¼ cup of water
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 3 eggs

For the Frosting.

  • Whipped cream

Preparation: The pie crust is made as given under No. 16. For the filling, cook the chocolate 5 minutes with the water, sugar and vanilla, stirring constantly, remove from the stove and stir in the yolks of eggs and the beaten whites.

This mixture is poured into the baked pie crust and put back into the oven to thicken. When cold, cover with whipped cream mixed with sugar and vanilla.