The Bennachie budget/The "Occasional" of the Excise

The Bennachie budget
by Anonymous
The "Occasional" of the Excise
4602821The Bennachie budget — The "Occasional" of the ExciseAnonymous


Tune“The Exciseman.”

What’s brewed an’ stilled maun aye be swilled,
Your drouth we ne’er despise, man;
An’ thanks we’ll vent, since Parli’ment
O’er Bailies set th’ Exciseman.
Chorus—He’s nae awa, fair be his fa’,
Nor like to gang, the wise man;
While drink can rax spontaneous tax,
The State will back the Exciseman.

The Bailiehood, in bardach mood,
May gie their wigs a hyse, man,
An’ daur our youth to sloke their drouth,
As we had nae Exciseman.
Chorus.—He nae awa, fair be his fa’, &c.

But dames an’ chiels may crack their heels,
An’ hooch till morn surprise men;
An’ never fear, they’ll want the gear,
As lang’s we’ve kind Excisemen.
Chorus.—He’s nae awa, fair be his fa’, &c.

Tho’ Temp’rance sends her tonguey friends
The Trade to stigmatise, man;
Yet Bailies’ power to stint your hour
Is Baffled by th’ Exciseman.
Chorus.—He’s nae awa, fair be his fa’, &c.

Then dance an’ drink, till doon ye clink,
Nor schape in haste to risé, man;
An’ for the joys o’ midnight ploys,
Drink “Luck to the Exciseman!”
Chorus.—He’s nae awa, fair be his fa’, &c.