The Benson Murder Case/Characters of the Book

4450882The Benson Murder Case — Characters of the BookWillard Huntington Wright
Characters of the Book

Philo Vance

John F.-X. Markham

District Attorney of New York County.

Alvin H. Benson

Well-known Wall Street broker and man-about-town, who was mysteriously murdered in his home.

Major Anthony Benson

Brother of the murdered man.

Mrs. Anna Platz

Housekeeper for Alvin Benson.

Muriel St. Clair

A young singer.

Captain Philip Leacock

Miss St. Clair's fiancé.

Leander Pfyfe

Intimate friend of Alvin Benson's.

Mrs. Paula Banning

A friend of Leander Pfyfe's.

Elsie Hoffman

Secretary of the firm of Benson and Benson.

Colonel Bigsby Ostrander

A retired army officer.

William H. Moriarty

An alderman, Borough of the Bronx.

Jack Prisco

Elevator-boy at the Chatham Arms.

George G. Stitt

Of the firm of Stitt and McCoy, Public Accountants.

Maurice Dinwiddie

Assistant District Attorney.

Chief Inspector O'Brien

Of the Police Department of New York City.

William M. Moran

Commanding Officer of the Detective Bureau.

Ernest Heath

Sergeant of the Homicide Bureau.


Detective of the Homicide Bureau.


Detective of the Homicide Bureau.


Detective of the Homicide Bureau.

Ben Hanlon

Commanding Officer of Detectives assigned to District Attorney's office.


Detective assigned to District Attorney's office.


Detective assigned to District Attorney's office.


Detective assigned to District Attorney's office.


Detective assigned to District Attorney's office.

Captain Carl Hagedorn

Fire-arms expert.

Dr. Doremus

Medical Examiner.

Francis Swacker

Secretary to the District Attorney.


Vance's valet.

The Benson Murder Case