The Bergen Record/1961/Aloof Disinterest Puts Chill On C.D. Readiness Session

Aloof Disinterest Puts Chill On C.D. Readiness Session (1961)
The Bergen Record

Selma Louise Freudenberg (1921-2009) in the The Bergen Record on December 6, 1961

3439821Aloof Disinterest Puts Chill On C.D. Readiness Session1961The Bergen Record

Aloof Disinterest Puts Chill On C.D. Readiness Session. Despite Much Advance Publicity, Only Five Show Up. Program Canceled. Paramus, New Jersey. A Civil Defense program sailed into Ridge Ranch School last night, broke up on the rocks of civic apathy, and sank before an audience of 5 persons. Leaflets Spread. An estimated 600 leaflets had been distributed advertising the event. Parent-teacher groups were given advance notice, newspaper publicity was provided. Four women and one man showed up, "I couldn't believe it," remarked C.D. coordinator Mrs. Sally Norton, who had assisted in programming the event, "if it had just been a social event I could have understood, but this means peoples' lives," she said. A lecture, a film on home preparedness, and an audience participating demonstration in C.D. communications had been planned. C.D. officials waited a half-hour before calling it quits. The feminine quartet was composed of returnees from a similar program last month, Mrs. Norton said. "At least there are 4 people who have been won over," she philosophized. Deplores Torpor. "It's pathetic," she told a reporter. "If a crisis arose people would turn around and ask what C.D. was doing for them." She said that with the world sitting on a powder keg the lack of turnout was amazing. "We need something to wake people up," she charged. The C.D. program was the second to fall victim to public unconcern in the past week. A C.D. class, scheduled in East Paterson's Adult Education School, died when only 3 pupils appeared. School officials In that Borough have abandoned the project. However, Mrs. Norton said last night that attempts will be made to conduct the local program later, probably within a couple of months. "We want to win people over," she said, and added, "If we save only one person it's all worthwhile."

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