The Biographical Dictionary of America/Alley, John Buffum

3969319The Biographical Dictionary of America, Volume 1 — Alley, John Buffum1906

ALLEY, John Buffum, representative, was born in Lynn, Mass., Jan. 7, 1817. He learned the trade of shoemaker and engaged in the manufacture of shoes until 1886, when he retired. He was one of the originators of the Free-soil movement; a member of Governor Boutwell's council, 1851; state senator, 1852, and chairman of the committee on railroads; member of the state constitutional convention, 1853; represented his state in the 36th-39th congresses, 1859-'67, and served as chairman of the committee on post-offices and post roads. During the civil war he contributed largely to the support of the war and was financial manager of the Union Pacific railroad. He died in Lynn, Mass., Jan. 19, 1896.