The Biographical Dictionary of America/Ames, Joseph Sweetman

4010349The Biographical Dictionary of America, Volume 1 — Ames, Joseph Sweetman1906

AMES, Joseph Sweetman, educator, was born in Manchester, Vt., July 3, 1864; son of George Lapham and Elizabeth (Bacon) Ames; and a descendant of the Ames and Bacon families of Connecticut. He was graduated from Johns Hopkins in 1886; was a university scholar in 1886; held a fellowship there in 1887; was assistant in physics, 1889-'93, associate professor of physics and sub-director of the physical laboratory, 1893-'98, and professor of physics from 1898. He received the degree of Ph. D. from Johns Hopkins in 1890, and was elected an honorary member of the Royal Institution of Great Britain in 1899. He was editor-in-chief of Harper's "Scientific Memoirs" (1898); editor of the "Free Expansion of Gases" (1898); and "Fraunhofer's Papers" (1898); and became assistant editor of the Astrophysical Journal in 1892. He is the author of: "The Theory of Physics" (1897), and joint author of "A Manual of Experiments in Physics" (1898); "Elements of Physics" (1900); "Introduction of Electric Currents" (2 vols. 1900).