The Biographical Dictionary of America/Anderson, James Patton

4019005The Biographical Dictionary of America, Volume 1 — Anderson, James Patton1906

ANDERSON, James Patton, soldier, was born in Winchester, Tenn., Feb. 10, 1822; son of Col. William P. and Margaret L. (Adair) Anderson. He was graduated at Jefferson college, Canonsburg, Pa., in 1840, and in law at Frankfort, Ky., in 1842. He practised law in Hernando, Miss., 1842-'46; served in the Mexican war as lieutenant-colonel, 1846-'49; was a representative to the Mississippi legislature two terms; U. S. marshal, Washington Territory, 1853-'55; and a delegate to the 34th congress, 1855-'57; declined the nomination for governor and removed to Monticello, Fla., where he resided, 1857-'61. He was a delegate to the state convention of 1861, and a representative in the provisional Confederate States congress, 1861. He was colonel, brigadier-general and major-general in the Confederate army, 1861-'65; won promotion for gallant conduct at Shiloh and Stone's river; commanded the military district of Florida; was severely wounded at Jonesboro, and commanded a division in the army of the Tennessee. He died at Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 20, 1872.