The Biographical Dictionary of America/Andrews, Newton Lloyd

4062876The Biographical Dictionary of America, Volume 1 — Andrews, Newton Lloyd1906

ANDREWS, Newton Lloyd, educator, was born at Fabius, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1841. He was prepared for college at the Newark, N. J., high school, and was graduated at Madison university in 1862, and from the Hamilton theological seminary in 1864. He became principal of the preparatory school of the university, and in 1868 was appointed professor of the Greek language and literature in the university. In 1872 he was one of the editors of the "Half-Century History of Colgate University." He spent the year 1879-'80 in study and travel in Europe; and on his return, by request of President Dodge, assumed, in addition to his professorship, the post of dean of the college faculty. He served as acting president of Colgate university, in 1890-95; resigned as dean in 1895, and spent a year in Europe. He retained his chair as professor of Greek, and became lecturer on the history of art in 1896. He married, Sept. 6, 1865, Cynthia S. Burchard, of Hamilton, N.Y., and on Dec. 27, 1888, Charlotte P. Harbach, of Newton Centre, Mass. He received the degree Ph.D. from Hamilton college in 1878, and LL.D. from Chicago University in 1883.