The Biographical Dictionary of America/Apple, Joseph Henry

4064908The Biographical Dictionary of America, Volume 1 — Apple, Joseph Henry1906

APPLE, Joseph Henry, educator, was born Aug. 4, 1865, son of Joseph H. and Elizabeth Ann (Geiger) Apple. His ancestry was Scotch-Irish and German. He was educated in the public schools; at Allegheny college, Meadville, Pa.; and at Franklin and Marshall college, Lancaster, Pa., where he was graduated in 1885. He accepted the principalship of a school at St. Petersburg, Pa., and in 1887 he became professor of mathematics in the state normal school, Clarion, Pa. In 1891 he was elected associate professor of mathematics in Pittsburg central high school. In 1893 he was called to assume charge of the Frederick female seminary at Frederick, Md. He entered upon the work with a zeal that at once lifted the institution into a new plane of usefulness which is best described by noting its change of name to the Woman's college of Frederick. Mr. Apple was a member of the national guard of Pennsylvania for ten years, holding offices therein of various grades, and at college was a member of the Phi Kappa Psi. In addition to his scholastic work Professor Apple took a private course in theology and was licensed as a preacher by the Reformed church in the United States.