The Biographical Dictionary of America/Armitage, William Edmond

4066051The Biographical Dictionary of America, Volume 1 — Armitage, William Edmond1906

ARMITAGE, William Edmond, 2d bishop of Milwaukee, and 82d in succession in the American episcopate, was born in New York city, Sept. 6, 1830. He was graduated at Columbia college in 1849, and finished a course at the General theological seminary in 1852. He was ordained a deacon, June 27, 1852, and admitted to the priesthood, Sept. 27, 1854. His first curacy was at St. John's church, Portsmouth, N. H.; his second at St. Mark's, Augusta, Me. He next became rector of St. John's, Detroit, and there officiated until his election as assistant bishop of Milwaukee. He was consecrated Dec. 6, 1866, and labored harmoniously with his diocesan, Dr. Kemper, until the death of that venerable prelate in 1870, when he succeeded him in the bishopric of Wisconsin. He received the degree of S.T.D. from Columbia in 1866. He was an earnest preacher and a polished writer. He died from the effects of a surgical operation at St. Luke's hospital, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1873.