The Biographical Dictionary of America/Ayers, Howard

4111704The Biographical Dictionary of America, Volume 1 — Ayers, Howard1906

AYERS, Howard, educator, was born in Olympia. Wash., May 21, 1861. He was graduated from Harvard, S.B. in 1883; from the University of Freiberg, Ph. D., in 1885, and studied at the universities of Strasburg and Heidelberg. He was director of Lake laboratory, 1888-'93; instructor at the Marine biological laboratory at Woods Holl, Mass., 1889-’99; instructor in zoölogy at Harvard university and Radcliffe college, 1893-’94; professor of biology and curator of the biological museum at the University of Missouri, 1894-'99; president of the scientific association of the university, 1894-'99, and president of the University of Cincinnati from 1890. He received the degree LL.D. from the University of Missouri in 1899. He is author of "The Vertebrate Ear" and papers on the "Morphology of Animals."