The Biographical Dictionary of America/Bankhead, James

4133432The Biographical Dictionary of America, Volume 1 — Bankhead, James1906

BANKHEAD, James, soldier, was born in Virginia in 1783, son of James Bankhead, a revolutionary officer. His tastes pointed to a military life and he joined the army as captain of the 5th infantry, June 18, 1808, and rose by successive steps to the rank of lieutenant colonel of the 3d artillery, April 26, 1832. He saw active service and won brevet rank as colonel for distinguished bravery in the Florida campaign, and afterwards in the Mexican war received a like honor for conspicuous gallantry at Vera Cruz in command of the 2d artillery, when he received the brevet rank of brigadier-general, March 29, 1847. In the following year he was commander of Orizaba, a department in Mexico, and at the time of his death had charge of the military department of the east. His son, John Pine Bankhead, was a U.S. naval officer during the civil war. General Bankhead died in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 11, 1856.