The Bird Book/Storks and Wood Ibises

The Bird Book
by Chester A. Reed
Storks and Wood Ibises: Family Ciconiidae
152473The Bird Book — Storks and Wood Ibises: Family CiconiidaeChester A. Reed


188. WOOD IBIS. Mycteria americana.

Range. A sub-tropical species which is resident along the Gulf coast and which strays casually north to New England and Colorado.

This peculiar member of the Stork family has the whole head and part of the neck bare and covered with numerous scales; the bill is large, long and heavy; the plumage is white, except for the black primaries and tail. It is a large bird about four feet in length. They are quite abundant in swamps along the


Gulf coast, where they place their nests, which are platforms of sticks, in trees and bushes over the water. They lay three eggs which are white, and have a rough surface. Size 2.75 x 1.75.

[189.] JABIRU. Jabiru mycteria.

This large bird, which is the only true Stork that claims a place in our avifauna, is a native of South and Central America, wandering north, casually to Texas. Their nests are large platforms of sticks in very high trees.