Blackford Hill.

The man wha lues fair nature's charms,
Let him gae to Blackford hill;
And wander there amang the craigs,
Or down aside the rill;
That murmuring through the peblis plays,
And banks whar daisies spring;
While, frae ilk bush and tree, the birds
In sweetest concert sing.

The lintie the sharp treble sound;
The lav'rock tenor plays;
The blackbird and the mavis join
To form a solemn base;
Sweet echo the loud air repeats,
Till a' the valley rings:
While odorous scents the westlin' wind
Frae thousand wild flowers brings.

The hermitage aside the burn
In shady covert lies,
Frae pride and folly's noisy rounds
Fit refuge for the wise;
Wha there may study as they list,
And pleasures taste at will,
Yet never leave the varied bounds
Of bonnie Blackford hill.