2268782The Book of Scottish Song — Bonnie lassie1843Robert Allan

Bonnie lassie.

[Robert Allan.]

Bonnie lassie, blythsome lassie,
Sweet's the sparkling o' your e'e;
Aye sae wyling, aye beguiling,
Ye ha'e stown my heart frae me.

Fondly wooing, fondly sueing,
Let me love, nor love in vain
Fate shall never fond hearts sever,
Hearts still bound by true love's chain.

Fancy dreaming, hope bright beaming,
Shall each day life's feast renew;
Ours the treasure, ours the pleasure,
Still to live and love more true.

Mirth and folly, joys unholy,
Never shall our thoughts employ;
Smiles inviting, hearts uniting,
Love and bliss without alloy.

Bonnie lassie, blythsome lassie,
Sweet's the sparkling o' your e'e;
Aye sae wyling, aye beguiling,
Ye ha'e stown my heart frae me.