The Book of Scottish Song/Farewell to the Land

2269256The Book of Scottish Song — Farewell to the Land1843

Farewell to the Land.

Farewell to the land of the rock and the wild-wood,
The hill and the forest and proud swelling wave;
To the land where bliss smiled on the days of my childhood,
Farewell to thee, Scotia, thou land of the brave!
Far dearer to me are thy heath cover'd mountains,
Than Gallia's rich valleys, and gay fertile plains;
And dearer by far than her murmuring fountains,
The roar of the torrent, where liberty reigns.

Wherever I wander, sweet Isle of the ocean,
My thoughts still shall turn to thy wild rocky shore;
Ah! still shall my heart beat with fondest emotion,
While musing on scenes I may visit no more.
Adieu, then, dear land of romance and wild story,
Thy welfere and honour for ever shall be
The prayer of an exile, whose boast and whose glory,
Is the tie that still binds him, loved country, to thee!