The Book of Scottish Song/Hey the Hielan Heather

2268891The Book of Scottish Song — Hey the Hielan Heather1843

Hey the Hielan Heather.

[John Imlah. Music by A. Lee.]

Hey! for the Hielan heather,
Hey! for the Hielan heather,
Dear to me, and aye shall be,
The bonnie braes o' Hielan heather;
Hey! for the Hielan heather,
Dear to me, and aye shall be,
The bonnie braes o' Hielan heather.

There light o' heart and light o' heel,
The lads and lasses trip thegither;
Native norlan' rant an' reel,
Amang the bonnie Hielan heather.
Singing, hey! for the Hielan heather,
Hey! for the Hielan heather,
Dear to me, and aye shall be,
The bonnie braes o' Hielan heather.

Hey! for the Hielan heather,
Hey! for the Hielan heather,
Dear to me, and aye shall be,
The bonnie braes o' Hielan heather.
The broom and whin, by loch and linn,
Are tipp'd with gowd in simmer weather,
Sweet and fair, but meikle mair,
The purple bells o' Hielan heather.
Singing, hey! for the Hielan heather,
Hey! for the Hielan heather,
Dear to me, and aye shall be,
The bonnie braes o' Hielan heather.