Oh hon a ri.

[James Hogg.—Gaelic Air.]

Oh hon a ri! there's something wantin';
Oh hon a ri! I'm wearie;
Nae young, blythe, and bonnie lad
Comes o'er the knowe to cheer me.
When the day wears away,
Sad I look a' down the valley;
Ilka soun', wi' a stoun',
Sets my heart a thrillin'.

When I see the plover risin',
Or the curlew wheelin',
Then I trow some bonnie lad
Is coming to my sheelin'.
Why should I sit an' sigh,
While the greenwood blooms sae bonnie?
Laverocks sing, flow'rets spring,
A' but me are cheery.

My wee cot is blest and happy;
Oh 'tis neat and cleanly!
Sweet the brier that blooms beside it;
Kind the heart that's lanely.
Come away, come away,
Herd, or hind, or boatman laddie,
I ha'e a cow, kid, and ewe,
Gowd and gear, to gain ye.