The Book of Scottish Song/Ours is the land

Ours is the land.

[Rev. Henry S. Riddell. Music by Peter Macleod.]

Ours is the land of gallant hearts,
The land of lovely forms,
The island of the mountain harp,
The torrents, and the storms:
The land that blooms with freeman's tread,
And withers with the slaves;
Where far and deep the green-woods spread,
And wild the thistle waves.

Ere ever Ossian's lofty voice
Had told of Fingal's fame;
Ere ever from their native clime
The Roman eagles came,
Our land had given heroes birth
That durst the boldest brave,
And taught above tyrannic dust,
The thistle tufts to wave.

What need we say how Wallace fought,
And how his foemen fell,
Or how on glorious Bannockburn
The work went wild and well?
Ours is the land of gallant hearts,
The land of honour'd graves,
Whose wreath of fame shall ne'er depart,
While yet the thistle waves.