2263368The Book of Scottish Song — Tee-total Song1843

Tee-total Song.

[Air, "Cauld kail in Aberdeen."]

There's cauld kail in Aberdeen,
And custocks in Strathbogie;
And morn and e'en they're blythe and bein,
That haud them frae the cogie.
Now haud ye frae the cogie, lads,
And bide ye frae the cogie;
I'll tell ye true, ye'll never rue
O' passin' by the cogie!

Young Will was braw and weel put on,
Sae biythe was he and vogie,
And he got bonny Mary Don,
The flower o' a' Strathbogie:
Wha wad hae thocht at wooing time.
He'd e'er forsaken Mary,
And ta'en him to the tipplin' trade
Wi' boozin' Rab and Harry.

Sair Mary wrought, sair Mary grat,
She scarce could lift the ladle;
Wi' pithless feet 'tween ilka greet,
She rock'd the borrowed cradle.
Her weddin" plenishin' was gane,
She never thought to borrow:
Her bonny face was waxin' wan,
And Will wrought all the sorrow.

He's reelin' hame ae winter night,
Some later nor the gloamin';
He's ta'en the rig—he's miss'd the brig,
And Bogie's ower bim foamin'.
Wi' broken banes out ower the stanes,
He creepit up Strathbogie,
And a' the nicht he pray'd wi' might,
To keep him firae the cogie.

Now Mary's heart is light again,
She's neither sick nor silly;
For auld or young, nae sinfu' tongue
Could e'er entice her Willie.
And aye the sang through Bogie rang,
O! baud ye frae the cogie!
The weary gill's the sairest ill
On braes o' fair Strathbogie.