The Booke of Thenseygnementes and Techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his Doughters/Chapter 4


IT happed in suche wyse that this lord dyd do espye where as this Damoyselle was entred in to an hoole where as she entrid & rested there for drede of hym, & that was in a busshe. And she sayd vygylles for the dede men. And this grete lord entryd in to the hoole, and sawe her there, and wende anone to haue accomplysshyd his fowle delyte. But when he supposed to haue taken her, hym semed that he sawe more than ten thousand prysonners buryed that kepte her; and had of them so grete fere and drede anon he torned and fled, & sente to her word that for certayne he wolde neuer pursewe her more for suche fayte, and that she had ouer grete a companye that kepte her. And after he cam and spak to her and demaunded of her what was the grete companye that was with her. And she said that she knewe of no thyng at that tyme whan he cam, sauf that thēne she said the vygylle for them that were dede. And thenne thought the lord wel that they were they that kepte her. And therfor this is a fayre example to praye for them that ben departed oute of this world at al tymes.