The Booke of Thenseygnementes and Techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his Doughters/Chapter 47


I WYLLE telle yow an ensample of Enuye, whiche is an euyl vyce, of Marye the suster of Moyses, the whiche sayd that she was as wel belouyd of god as her broder Moyses, and that god herd her prayers and requestes as he dyd his, wherof god was wrothe with her, and made her to become lepre, in soo moche she was put oute of the towne, soo that she myght no more come amonge the folke. And notwithstandynge her grete enuye, yet had Moyses and Aaron pyte of her, and made requeste that it wold please hym to hele and gwerysshe her And at theyr requeste god maade her hole ageyne. Take ye here ensample how grete parylle is to haue enuye of other men's preferement and worship, and how god dyd punysshe this lady, whiche was the moost noble damoysel that was in alle the land.