The Booke of Thenseygnementes and Techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his Doughters/Chapter 70


The wyse man sayth in a prouerbe that whanne the ladyes were ryse out of theyr beddes, and ar they were wel kymbed and arayed, the Crosses and processions were gone and al the masses and seruyse of god done. It is as god sayth in his euangely; yf the fyue hooly vyrgyns whiche were curyoust awaked, and well garnysshed, of oylle and of lumynary to lyghte with theyre lampes, and whanne the spouse was come they wente and entred wyth hym with grete loye in to the castel, and founde the yates open. But the other fyue vyrgyns, whiche were ful of slepe, and had not purueyed them of oyll in to theyr lampes, whan they cam to the castel they found the yate shette before them. And whanne they asked for oylle, it was ansuerd to them that they shold haue none, by cause they were come to late. Wherfor I doubte after the purpos of this ensample, that many one is a slepe and sorowfulle to the seruyse of god. And as of them that ben not garnysshed of that whiche is apperteynynge to theyr sauement, that is to wete, to doo good and holy operacions, and haue the grace of god, doubte ye not but yf they tary longe to amende them before theyr ende, hit shalle be sayd to them as it was seyd to the v vnwyse virgyns, and shalle fynde the yate of the castell shette before them. Thenne shalle not be tyme to repente them, but sore abasshed they shall be, as they shalle see them departed fro God and fro the good sowles, and be cast and had in to the cruell pytte of helle, where as they shalle be in contynuell payne and dolour whiche neuer shal take none ende. Allas, how dere shalle be sold the coyntyses and folysshe playsaunces and delytes wherof men shall haue vsed for to obeye to his careyn and to the world! This way shal goo alle euylle wymmen, and the good women to the contrary. For they shalle goo with the espouse, that is, with god theyr creatour, & shalle fynde the grete yate open, where thorugh they shalle goo in to the blysse and Ioye of paradys, by cause they haue ben curyous and awaked wyth theyr lampes and lumynary, abydynge the comynge of the spouse, that is to saye, that they haue made good and hooly operacions, and haue watched for to abyde the houre of theyre dethe, and haue not be slepynge in synne, but haue hold them self clene, and haue confessyd them ofte, and kepte them selfe clene fro synne to theyr poure, and whiche loued and drad god. These shalle be the good wymmen of whom god spake in his euangely, as ye haue herd to fore.