The Booke of Thenseygnementes and Techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his Doughters/Chapter 77


WHERFORE yf the wymmen recorded and thought the tyme past before the comynge of Cryst, whiche lasted more than fyue thousand yere, and how the badde and euylle wymmen, specially they that were wedded, were punysshed, as they mysgyded them. For yf it myght be proued only by two men that they had companye or carnal felauship with ony other than to theyr lord, she was brente, eyther stoned with stones. And for no gold ne syluer she myghte be saued, al were she neuer so noble, after the lawe of god and of Moyses. And yet I ne knowe but fewe Reames this day, sauf the Reame of Fraunce and of Englond, and in the lowe or basse Almayne, but that men doo Iustyse of them when the trouthe and certaynte of the dede may be openly knowen, that is to wete, in Romayne, In Spayne, In Aragon, and in many other Reames. In somme places men kytte of theire throtes, and in somme they be heded before the peple. And in other places they be mewred or put bytwene two walles. And therfore this Example is good and prouffytable to euery good woman. For how be hit that in this Royamme Iustyce is not done of them as in other Reames, neuertheles they lese therfore theyr worship and theyre estate, the loue of god and of theyre lordes, and of theyre frendes and world also, for they ben separed and putte oute of the book of them that ben good and trewe, as more playnly is reherced in I the booke of the holy faders’ lyf, wherof the tale shold be longe to reherce, wherof I shalle telle vow a moche fayr example, the hyghest of alle other examples as hit is, whiche god told of his mouthe, as telleth the holy scrypture.