The 62nd species documented in The Botanical Magazine (1790). Latin: Centaurea Glastifolia.

343552The Botanical Magazine — 62William Curtis


[62] Centaurea Glastifolia. Woad-Leaved Centaurea.

Class and Order.

Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua.

Generic Character.

Receptaculum setosum. Pappus simplex. Corollæ radii infundibuliformes, longiores, irregulares.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

CENTAUREA glastifolia calycibus scariosis, foliis indivisis integerrimis decurrentibus. Lin. Syst. Veg. p. 787. Gmelin Sib. 2. p. 83.

CENTAURIUM majus orientale erectum, glasti folio, flore luteo. Comm. rar. 39. t. 39.


Assumes the name of glastifolia from the similitude which the leaves bear to those of the Isatis tinctoria, or Woad, Glastum of the old Botanists.

In this plant we have an excellent example of the Folium decurrens and Calyx scariosus of Linnæus, the leaves also exhibit a curious phenomenon, having veins prominent on both their sides; the scales of the calyx are moreover distinguished by a beautiful silvery appearance, which it is difficult to represent in colours.

It is a native of the East, as well as of Siberia; flowers with us in July, in the open border, and is readily propagated by parting its roots in autumn, which are of the creeping kind: requires no particular treatment.

Miller, in the last 4to edition of his Dictionary, enumerates a Cent. glastifolia; but his description in detail, by no means accords with the plant.