Nasty Remarks.

(Many Original and some True.)
Nothing comes of those who wet.
To the clergy—"The rich ye have always with ye."
"Any man can make money." Any woman can spend money.
Banqueting the successful man is like re-gilding a pawnbroker's sign.
Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the earth. Yes, six feet of the earth.
In obtaining divorces always employ the same lawyer. There's a reduction on a quantity.
Purgatory is the place where you will meet the middle-classes. Then purgatory must be hell.
A "lady-help" is a single woman who helps herself to her mistress's shoes. This needs thinking over.
"The kiss is a prolific means of spreading disease." Yes, there are more widows than widowers about.
Men who buy women with diamonds get them cheapest in the long run. Diamonds are cheaper than pieces of your heart.
Women are of two kinds, angelically good or infernally bad. There is no medium sort. When they are good they are too good for this world, and when they are bad they ought to be sent out of it.