The Catholic's pocket prayer-book/Devotions for Communion

3901554The Catholic's pocket prayer-book — Devotions for Communion1899

Devotions for Holy Communion.

Before Communion.

Act of Faith.

O God of heaven and earth!Saviour of mankind! comest Thou to me, and shall I have the happiness to receive Thee? Who could believe such a miracle of love, so wonderful a condescension, if Thou Thyself hadst not said it? Yes, O Lord, Thou whom I am to receive in this august sacrament; born for my sake in a stable, was pleased to die for me on the cross; and glorious in heaven, art still concealed under these mysterious veils. I firmly believe this profound mystery of Thy real presence; I believe it, because Thou who art truth itself hast said it. I believe it, and though it is wholly incomprehensible to reason, and impenetrable to human understanding, I submit my senses and my reason in the obedience of faith. Verily, Thou art a hidden God, the God of Israel, the Saviour.


WHO am I, O God of glory and Majesty! who am I that Thou shouldst deign even to look on my unworthiness? Whence this supreme happiness, this unbounded goodness, that Thou shouldst condescend to visit me? I am but a wretched sinner, more contemptible than nothingness itself, and yet I dare approach so holy a God, and partake of the bread of angels! Ah, Lord, I do not deserve this mark of Thy predilection, this additional proof of Thy tenderness and love. King of heaven, author and preserver of the world! I annihilate myself before Thee. With profound humility, I acknowledge Thy sovereign greatness and my extreme wretchedness. This consideration covers me with inexpressible awe and confusion, O my loving Lord; I confess with humble sincerity that I am but dust and ashes, and that I am wholly unworthy of the ineffable favor Thou deignest now to confer upon me. Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof.


THOU comest to me, O bountiful and merciful Lord! Alas! my frequent prevarications should rather lead Thee to abandon me to my perversity. Sensible of the displeasure they have caused Thee, and moved by the infinite goodness, I solemnly renounce my evil ways, and firmly resolve never more to relapse into my former transgressions. O most amiable Father, since Thou lovest me to such a degree as to permit me to approach Thy holy banquet, enliven my courage and quicken my confidence, by granting me an entire forgiveness.

My soul, as I hope, has been cleansed in the sacrament of regeneration; but, O Lord, cleanse me still more, purify me from the slightest stain, robe me in the nuptial garment, create a new heart within me, and renew therein the spirit of innocence, that I may be somewhat worthy to approach unto Thee. Wash me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sins. Create a clean heart in me, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.


THOU comest to me, O loving Saviour! What may I not expect from Thy excessive goodness and unbounded liberality! I present myself before Thee with all the confidence Thy infinite power and amiable condescension inspire.

Thou knowest all my wants, and canst relieve them; Thou invitest me to come unto Thee, and desirest to assist me. I come at Thy gracious invitation; I present myself before Thee with all my imperfections and infirmities; and hope that Thou wilt strengthen my weakness, enlighten my blindness, and support me in my sufferings in this earthly pilgrimage. In fine, incline my heart to love Thy divine truths, and attract me to Thyself, that I may, in leaving this vale of tears, follow Thee to heaven, where Thou livest and reignest for all eternity.


Is it possible, O amiable Jesus, that Thou comest with a vehement desire of uniting a wretched sinner to Thyself! O come, beloved of my soul. Come, adorable body and precious blood of my Saviour, come and be the nourishment of my soul. As the hart panteth after the fountains of water, so my soul panteth after Thee, the fountain of life. For Thou alone art my consolation, my treasure, my happiness, my life, and my ell. Come, dear Jesus, take up Thy abode in my heart, and dwell therein all the days of my life. My heart is ready; and, were it not, one of Thy divine looks would be sufficient to prepare, soften, and inflame it. Come, Lord Jesus, come.

After Communion.


O God of power and majesty! the grandeur of the heavens is as nothing in Thy sight; the earth Thou hast poised in Thy hand; the ocean is before Thee as a drop of water; all nature trembles in Thy presence! How then shall I extol Thee, immortal King of ages! What homage can I render Thee, except to be silent and honor Thee in the most profound annihilation of my soul? I acknowledge Thy supreme greatness, compared with which all power is weakness; all prosperity, wretchedness; and the most brilliant light, nothing but the thickest darkness. Eternal Power! infinite Perfection! adorable Holiness! My soul longs to annihilate itself before Thee. I adore Thee, O my God, and render Thee homage with all the faculties of my being; with all my heart by loving Thee; with all my soul by praising Thee; with all my mind by submitting it to faith.

It is my sweetest delight to know that I possess within me, as in a living tabernacle, the Holy of holies; and that in the holy Eucharist I honor Thee in a manner worthy of Thy immortal majesty.


O BELOVED Jesus, where shall I find words to express my gratitude and love? O inestimable pledge of God's love for man! O inexhaustible fountain of divine graces! O boundless mercy! O divine charity! Hail, O merciful Jesus! O may my soul be sensible of Thy adorable presence, and may I see how sovereignly sweet Thou art in the sacrament of Thy love. Yes, O God of goodness! I love Thee with my whole heart, my whole soul, and above all things. O divine Jesus, do Thou confirm these holy resolutions in my heart, and grant that I may always be able affectionately to exclaim with Thy holy apostle: Thou knowest, Lord, that I love Thee.


IN what manner, O Lord, shall I testify to Thee my gratitude? Faith reveals to me that in Holy Communion I receive benefits which the heart of man cannot comprehend. I yearned for the happy moment that was to unite me to Thee, and behold, my desire is accomplished. I burned with impatience, and lo! all my wishes are fulfilled. My God is with me.

O my soul! glorify the Lord Thy God; acknowledge His goodness; eternally proclaim His mercy. But how can I praise Thee worthily, O Lord? Ye heavens and earth, assist me in offering thanksgiving to my God; ye flowers, lend me your perfumes; ye trees, bend down your tops; ye mountains, burn like holocausts. Oh, that I could convert the entire universe into one temple, and fill it with my voice, in order to celebrate the praises of my God and Saviour. Mary, my tender Mother, lend me Thy heart with which to love Him. Ye blessed angels, lend me your fervor; all ye saints, come to my aid.


WHAT shall I offer Thee, O my God! acknowledging as I do, that I am weakness and misery itself? Yet here again Thy divine love is my only resource. I said in my poverty: What return shall I make? and Thy love permits me to reply: I will take the chalice of salvation. Permit me, O Lord, in Thy tender mercy, to offer Thee my whole self, miserable as it is. Ah! methinks I hear the reply: My child, the offering of thyself, united with that of thy Saviour, shall never be rejected by me. The gift of thy heart, blended by the divine love of Jesus with His own, shall ever be acceptable to a God who asks only love in return for love.


O THAT I could pray to Thee, Lord, as I ought! Here especially I feel the need of Thy grace. Faith assures me that Thou grantest all things to prayer; and I possess Thee now, in the depth of my petitions. Give me grace to prove by my deeds, that my conversion is sincere, and that I desire to live for Thee alone. Deign to bestow on me those virtues of which I stand in need; a spirit of faith which will never forsake me; a confidence which nothing will be able to shake; a charity enkindled by Thine own; a profound humility; an entire detachment from creatures; constancy in Thy service; a most tender and special devotion to Thy Sacred Heart, and to the immaculate heart of Thy holy Mother. Grant me grace to approach Thy august sacraments with unfeigned piety; to come to the life-giving sacrament of Penance, with a lively faith, a firm confidence, and a sincere contrition, and to draw nigh to Thy holy table with a most profound humility, inflamed by love, and a heart hungering after that bread which is the delight of the soul. Shower, O Lord, Thy choicest blessings on our holy mother, the Church; on her visible head the Pope, and all her bishops and priests, particularly of this country; crush the efforts made by impiety to destroy their labors. Touch the hearts of those who persecute and calumniate them; and unite all men in the one blessed task of loving and serving Thee. I entreat Thee also to bless my parents, relations, and all those for whom I am bound to pray.