The Catholic Encyclopedia and its makers/Fernandez, Very Reverend Monsignor Canon Isidoro

2546009The Catholic Encyclopedia and its makers — Fernandez, Very Reverend Monsignor Canon Isidoro

Fernandez, Very Reverend Monsignor Canon Isidoro, Ph.D., S.T.D. , D.C.L., b. 15 May, 1873. Education: the seminary, Buenos Aires; South American College, Rome. Ordained 1895; secretary to the Bishop 1899-1910, and Vicar General 1910–, Diocese of San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina; archdeacon of the Ecclesiastical Chapter and rector of the Seminary, San Juan. Editor of "El Porvenit" (nine years); member of the Franklin Library, San Juan. Author of: "Oración fúnebre de Leon XIII"; "Conferencia sobre el Socialismo"; "Discursos patrios".