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578963The Collected Works of Dugald Stewart — Volume 1Dugald Stewart



progress of metaphysical, ethical, and political philosophy.

Preface, containing some Critical Remarks on the Discourse prefixed to
the French Encyclopédie,
PART FIRST.—Intoduction, 23
Chapter I. Progress of Philosophy from the Revival of Letters to the
publication of Bacon's Philosophical Works,
Chapter II. Progress of Philosophy from the publication of Bacon's
Philosophical Works till that of the Essay on Human Understanding.
Sect. 1 Progress of Philosophy in England during this period.—
Bacon, 63
Hobbes, 79
Antagonists of Hobbes, 85
Sect. 2. Progress of Philosophy in France during the Seventeenth
Montaigne.—Charron.—La Rouchefoucauld, 98
Descartes.—Gassendi.—Malebranche, 112
Sect. 3. Progress of Philosophy during the Seventeenth Century in
some parts of Europe not included in the preceding
PART SECOND.—Intoduction, 203
Progress of Metaphysics during the Eighteenth Century.—
Sect. 1 Historical and Critical Review of the Philosophical Works of
Locke and Leibnitz.—Locke
Sect. 2. Continuation of the Review of Locke and Leibnitz.—Leibnitz, 252
Sect. 3. Of the Metaphysical Speculations of Newton and Clarke.—
Digression with respect to the System of Spinoza,
Collins, and Jonathan Edwards.—Anxiety of both to
reconcile the scheme of Necessity with Man's Moral
Agency.—Departure of some later Necessitarians from
their views
Sect. 4. Of some authors who have contributed, by their Critical or
Historical Writings, to diffuse a taste for Metaphysical
Works of Berkeley
Sect. 5. Hartleian School, 352
Sect. 6. Condillac, and other French Metaphysicians of a late date, 358
Sect. 7. Kant, and other Metaphysicians of the New German School, 389
Sect. 8. Metaphysical Philosophy of Scotland, 427
Progress of Ethical and Political Philosophy during the Eighteenth
Chapter.—(Fragment in conclusion.)—Progress, Tendencies, Results, 487
Notes and Illustrations,
To Part I., 529
To Part II., 550
To Part III., 614
Supplement, 615
Index, 619

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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