184823The Commission in Lunacy — AddendumHonore de Balzac

The following personages appear in other stories of the Human Comedy.

Note: The Commission in Lunacy is also known as The Interdiction and is referred to by that title in certain of the addendums.

Bianchon, Horace

Father Goriot
The Atheist's Mass
Cesar Birotteau
Lost Illusions
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
A Bachelor's Establishment
The Secrets of a Princess
The Government Clerks
A Study of Woman
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
The Seamy Side of History
The Magic Skin
A Second Home
A Prince of Bohemia
Letters of Two Brides
The Muse of the Department
The Imaginary Mistress
The Middle Classes
Cousin Betty
The Country Parson

In addition, M. Bianchon narrated the following:

Another Study of Woman
La Grande Breteche


The Gondreville Mystery
The Seamy Side of History
Jealousies of a Country Town

Camusot de Marville

Cousin Pons
Jealousies of a Country Town
Scenes from a Cuortesan's Life

Desroches (son)

A Bachelor's Establishment
Colonel Chabert
A Start in Life
A Woman of Thirty
The Government Clerks
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
The Firm of Nucingen
A Man of Business
The Middle Classes

Espard, Charles-Maurice-Marie-Andoche, Comte de Negrepelisse, Marquis d'

Scenes from a Courtesan's Life

Espard, Chevalier d'

Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
The Secrets of a Princess

Espard, Jeanne-Clementine-Athenais de Blamont-Chauvry, Marquise d'

A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Letters of Two Brides
Another Study of Woman
The Gondreville Mystery
The Secrets of a Princess
A Daughter of Eve

Godeschal, Francois-Claude-Marie

Colonel Chabert
A Bachelor's Establishment
A Start in Life
The Middle Classes
Cousin Pons

Grozier, Abbe

Lost Illusions


Albert Savarus

Mongenod, Frederic

The Seamy Side of History

Negrepelisse, De

Lost Illusions
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris

Nucingen, Baronne Delphine de

Father Goriot
The Thirteen
Eugenie Grandet
Cesar Birotteau
Melmoth Reconciled
Lost Illusions
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Modeste Mignon
The Firm of Nucingen
Another Study of Woman
A Daughter of Eve
The Member for Arcis

Popinot, Jean-Jules

Cesar Birotteau
The Seamy Side of History
The Middle Classes

Rabourdin, Madame

The Government Clerks