1900966The Conquest of Mexico, Volume 2 — Index 11922William Hickling Prescott


Part 1

Abderahman i., 445
Ablutions at table i., 85, 370
Aborigines of America ii., 383
Aborigines of America ii., 385, 386, 392 See Indians and Mankind, 393,
Absolution Aztec rite of i, Acolhuans. See Tezcucans., 42
Acolman ii., 217
Acolman ii., 229
Aculan ii., 340
Adelantado i., 451
Adelantado ii., 18
Adelantado i., 451
Adrian of Utrecht, regent of Spain ii., 218, 315
Adrian of Utrecht, warrant by ii., 315
Adrian of Utrecht, Pope ii., 317
Adultery ii., 406
Agave Americana or aloe or maguey i., 12
Agave Americana or aloe or maguey i., 59, 78 , 92
Agriculture i., 28
Agriculture i., 76, 77, 97, 242, 291, 324, 328, 363
Aguilar Jeronimo de a Christian captive i., 157
Aguilar Jeronimo de a Christian captive i., 158
Aguilar Jeronimo de a Christian captive ii., 112, 203
Ahualco crossed by Spaniards i., 320
Ahuitzotl i., 18
Ajotzinco i., 324
Alaminos Antonio de i., 148
Alaminos Antonio de i., 188, 216
Alderete Julian de royal treasurer ii., 201, 215, 250, 251, 253, 310, 318
Alexander the Great ii., 429
Alexander VI. Pope i., 470
Algiers ii., 367
Alms-giving Aztec i., 43
Alphabet Egyptian i., 57, 58, 431
Alvarado Jorge de ii., 251
Alvarado Pedro de, enters the river Alvarado i., 126
his return to Cuba i., 127, 128, 138
joins Cortes i., 144
marches across Cuba i., 145
reprimanded i., 151
in the battles near the Tabasco i., 161, 162
on a foraging party i., 197
cuts down the body of Morla i., 209
despatched to Cempoalla i., 218
at Tlascala i., 283
aids in seizing Montezuma i., 396
Montezuma pleased with i., 409
takes command at Mexico ii., 26, 27
forces under ii., 420
assault on ii., 4, 50, 52
blockaded ii., 49, 53
joined by Cortés ii., 49
Aztecs massacred by ii., 51, 269
character of ii., 54
Cortés' dissatisfaction with ii., 54
chivalrous ii., 72
storms the great temple ii., 84
acts at the evacuation of Mexico ii., 104, 109
Sandoval and ii., 187
reconnoitres Mexico ii., 190
conspiracy against ii., 219
to command the point Tacuba ii., 229
operations of ii., 239
protects breaches ii., 242
Sandoval to join ii., 250
his neglect to secure a retreat ii., 251
rebuked ii., 251
his fortune at the assault ii., 257
Cortés' opinion of ii., 259
temple burnt by ii., 273
meeting of Cortés and ii., 275
in the murderous assault ii., 280, 282
to occupy the market-place ii., 283
detached to Oaxaca ii., 313
conquers Guatemala ii., 330, 331
Alvarado's leap ii., 109
Amadis de Gaula i., 473
Amaquemecan i., 324
Anaglyphs i., 432
Anahuac i., 20i., 38, 49, 420 See Aztecs and Mexico, 430
Animals i., 364
Animals ii., 383, 384
Antigua or Vera Cruz Vieja i., 459
Antigua or Vera Cruz Vieja ii., 324
Antiquities i., 104
Antiquities ii., 395
Aqueducts i., 102, 328, 344, 358
Aqueducts ii., 230
Architecture, refinement and i., 95
of the Tezcucans i., 96, 104
in Yucatan i., 126, 127, 154
at Cempoalla i., 201, 202
of Tlascala i., 279
marine at Ajotzinco i., 324
at Cuitlahuac i., 328
of Iztapalapan i., 329
on the Tezcucan lake i., 331
at Mexico i., 340
encouragement of by Montezuma i., 361
after the Conquest ii., 322
coincidences with Aztec ii., 394, 395
of Palenque ii., 396
Archives at Tezcuco i., 94
Archives at Tezcuco i., 96
Argensola i., 450
Arithmetic among the Aztecs i., 63
Ark coincidences with the ii., 386
Armada intrusted to Cortés i., 138
the fitting out of the i., 139, 140
expense of it i., 140, 144, 196
sails i., 143
equipment of it i., 144, 145, 148
joined by volunteers i., 144, 145
sails from Havana i., 148
its strength i., 148
chief pilot of the i., 148
encounters a storm i., 151
at Cozumel i., 154, 155
sails i., 156, 158
at the Rio de Tabasco i., 158
wounded sent back to the i., 161
sails for Mexico i., 167, 168, 171, 184, 194
Arrows i., 145, 163, 399
Arrows ii., 66
Art ii., 395
Artisans Montezuma's i., 372
Astrology i., 67
Astronomy i., 69
Astronomy i., 70, 109, 113
Atlantis of Plato ii., 383
Auditors of accounts Aztec i., 423
Aviary Aztec i., 329, 362
Aviary Aztec ii., 241, 322
Avila Alonso de i., 144
Avila Alonso de i., 158, 160, 162, 393
Avila Alonso de ii., 34, 44, 56, 104, 112, 126, 151, 314
Axayacatl Aztec sovereign, Tlascalans oppose i., 244
Axayacatl his treasure i., 387
Axayacatl his treasure ii. See Treasure
Axayacatl's palace i., 341
Axayacatl's palace i., 342
Axayacatl's palace ii., 65, 240
Spaniards quartered in i., 341., 342
Spaniards quartered in chapel i., 387

Montezuma's confinement in i., 398
return of Cortés to ii., 50
Spaniards besieged there ii., 53
assaulted by Aztecs ii., 66
fired ii., 67
commanded by the temple of the war-god ii., 83
destroyed ii., 241
Ayllon, the licentiate ii., 19, 21, 219
Azcapozalco, a slave-market i., 83, 93
Azcapozalco, a slave-market ii., 434
Aztecs, or Mexicans, civilisation of the i., 9, 32, 113
extent of their country i., 9
extent of their country, vol ii., 297
time of their arrival at Anahuac i., 14, 241, 296
their migratory habits i., 15
their migratory habits ii., 389
settlement of, at Mexico i., 15
domestic feuds and secession among them i., 16
extent of their territory just before the arrival of the Spaniards i., 18
form of government among the i., 20
election and installation of sovereigns i., 20, 21
legislative and judicial system among them i., 23
great aim of their institutions i., 29
compared with Saxons of the time of Alfred i., 32
on calling them barbarians i., 426
comparison of modern Mexicans and i., 37
their mythology i., 36
cycles i., 39, 65, 435
cycles, vol ii., 386, 391
ideas of future life i., 39
their claims to civilisation i., 50
their claims to civilisation ii., 298
compared with Europeans of the sixteenth century i., 50
their manuscripts i., 59
the Teoamoxtli, or divine book of the i., 434
their literary culture i., 62
measurement of time i., 64
their cycle called "an old age," i., 435
Astrology i., 67, 69
their festival at the termination of the great cycle i., 70
their agriculture i., 76
acquaintance of, with plants i., 79
with minerals i., 79
with the mechanical arts i., 79
their domestic manners i., 81
differ from North American Indians i., 87
differ from North American Indians ii., 462
character of the, original and unique i., 87
Nezahualcoyotl unites his forces with the i., 93
beat and sacrifice Maxtla i., 93
transfer of power to, from the Tezcucans i., 113
the first communication with them i., 126, 127
orders to Cortés respecting the treatment of them i., 140
their condition, and disgust with Montezuma, at the time of Cortés' arrival i., 180
defeated by Tlascalans i., 244
aid in a Cholulan conspiracy i., 293
a number of, in the Mexican market i., 378
enraged at the profanation of their temples ii., 12
aid in building vessels at Vera Cruz ii., 13
insurrection by the ii., 53
their assaults on the Spanish quarters ii., 66, 72
sally against them ii., 69
addressed by Montezuma ii., 78
their spirit at the storming of the great temple ii., 85, 86
Cortés' address to ii., 86
their reply ii., 86
their combatant spirit ii., 88, 90
assault the retreating Spaniards ii., 105
measures for rallying ii., 135
Tlascalan alliance with, rejected ii., 140
Guatemozin, emperor of the ii., 156
proceeded against as rebels ii., 158
want of cohesion among them ii., 185
deride Cortés ii., 195
fights with, on the Sierra ii., 203
at Xochimilco ii., 211
defend the aqueduct of Chapoltepec ii., 229
at Iztapalapan ii., 231
defeat of their flotilla ii., 232
fight on the causeways ii., 235
their exasperation ii., 241
their hatred of white men ii., 249, 273
their bravery at the general assault ii., 253
attack Alvarado and Sandoval ii., 257
their spirit and sufferings ii., 267, 270, 273, 278, 282
sortie of ii., 269
do not bury their dead ii., 272, 279
assault on, at the market-place ii., 282
effect of Guatemozin's capture on ii., 285
evacuate the city ii., 292
remarks on the fall of their empire ii., 296
essay on the origin of the civilisation of the ii., 383
traditions respecting their origin ii., 392

Babel, a temple of Cholula ii., 387
Badajoz, Gutierre de ii., 274
Balboa, Nuñez de i., 122, 135, 434
Banana i., 77
the forbidden fruit i., 439
Baptism, Aztec and Pagan i., 40, 388, 389
Barante ii., 223
Barba, Don Pedro i., 148
Barrio de San Jago ii., 276
Barter, Grijalva's, at the river of Banners i., 126
at the river of Banners i., 168
object of Cortés' expedition i., 140
at Cozumel i., 151
with the Tabascans, see Traffic, 165
Bas-reliefs destroyed i., 81, 365
Battles, Aztecs avoided slaying their enemies in i., 50
of Tabasco i., 159, 160
of Ceutia i., 162
between Aztecs and Tlascalans i., 244, 245, 247, 251, 256, 259, 264
Escalante and Quauhpopoca i., 391
Cortés and Narvaez ii., 36
at the Aztec insurrection ii., 66, 69
at the great temple ii., 84
on leaving Mexico ii., 105, 108
of the Noche Triste ii., 116
of Otumba ii., 124
of Quauhquechollan ii., 144
of Iztapalapan ii., 178, 179, 231
near Cholco ii., 183
at Xaltocan ii., 190
at Tlacopan ii., 193
of Jacapichtla ii., 198
on the rocks of the Sierra ii., 203
at Cuernavaca ii., 206
at Xochimilco ii., 209, 211
at the aqueduct of Chapoltepec ii., 229
naval, with the Indian fiotilla ii., 231
on the Mexican causeways ii., 233
with Alderete's division ii., 253
with the Panuchese ii., 316
Bejar, duke de ii., 317, 355, 357
Belus, on the tower of ii., 463
Benavente, count of i., 449
Bermudez, Augustin ii., 40, 149
Bilious fever. See Vomito
Births, consultation at i., 69
Blumenbach on American skulls ii., 463
Bodies of the Tlascalans, painted, See Dead i., 257
Bodleian library, roll and codex in the i., 424, 433
Bodyguard of Montezuma i., 366
of Cortés See Quinones ii., 22
Booty ii., 161, 293, 310
Borunda, the Mexican Champollion i., 62
Botanical garden i. See Floating Gardens, 365
Boturini, Benaduci, Chevalier i., 88, 420, 422, 432, 433, 434
Boturini, Benaduci, Chevalier ii., 428, 457
Bradford's American antiquities ii., 382
Branding of slaves, ii., 143, 187
Brass substituted for iron i., 440
Brazil secured to Portugal i., 470

Breaches in the causeways ii., 235, 236, 240, 242, 252, 255, 267, 274
Bread and wine, consecrated ii., 458
Bridges at Mexico i., 336, 341, 358, 360, 388
Bridges at Mexico ii., 50, 58, 88, 91, 93, 104, 105, 106, 108, 207, 229, 334, 335
Brigantines built on Lake Tezcuco i., 407
burnt ii., 45
built and transported to Lake Tezcuco i., 147, 153, 159, 165, 178, 186, 187, 200, 202, 224, 226
attempts to destroy i., 200
launched i., 217, 244
canal for transporting i., 244
remains of, preserved i., 323, 437
co-operate with the army i., 231, 251, 257, 285
decoyed and destroyed i., 246
sailed from Honduras to Truxillo, i. See Fleet, 344
Budh, incarnation of i., 427
Bullock, W. i., 446, 447, 469
Bullock, W. ii., 427, 428, 441
Bulls for the Conquerors ii., 201, 451
Bustamente i., 53, 58, 74, 433
Bustamente ii., 306, 445

Cabot, Sebastian i., 122
Cacama, King of Tezcuco i., 180, 184, 324, 325, 336, 411, 413, 415
Cacama, King of Tezcuco ii., 104, 165, 269
Cacao i., 77
a circulating medium i., 82, 378
Calderon Señor de ii. See Barca, 424
Calendar, Aztec i., 64
of the lunar reckoning i., 67
coincidences with the Aztec ii., 390
Calendar-stone i., 69, 81, 361
Calmecac school i., 43
Calpulli i., 424
Camargo, Diego Muños i., 467, 60, 423, 426
Campeachy, Bay of i., 158
Canals i., 77, 291, 325, 327, 329, 357
Canals ii., 224
Cannibalism i., 49, 51, 86, 157, 247, 260
Cannibalism ii., 263, 390
Cannon, landed from the ships i., 161
command of, given to Mesa i., 162
effect of, at the battle of Ceutla i., 162
mounted on the Vera Cruz hillocks i., 171
effect of, on Aztec visitors i., 174
sent to the fleet i., 198
at Cempoalla i., 202
effect of, on the Tlascalans i., 253, 259
at Cholula i., 304
on board Narvaez's fleet ii., 20
at Cempoalla ii., 36, 38
turned against Narvaez ii., 38
effect of, at the retreat ii., 109
all lost in the retreat ii., 117
for attacking Mexico i., 158
the fleet on Lake Tezcuco i., 225
effects of, at the siege of Mexico i., 236, 257
cast in Mexico i., 323
Cano, Don Thoan ii., 419, 423, 424
cited ii., 115, 424, 426, 429
Canoes i., 325, 334, 360
Canoes ii., 230
Carli, Count, cited i., 423, 441
Carli, Count, cited ii., 455, 458, 459, 466
Carpets, cotton, at Vera Cruz i., 172
Carreri, Gemelli ii., 456
Casa de Contratacion i., 121, 15
Catalina, See Xuarez
Catalogue of Mexican historians i., 432
Catapult built ii., 277
Cathedrals i., 80, 357, 379
Cathedrals ii., 322
Catholics, Protestants and i., 166, 212
views of, as to infidels i., 307
Catoche, Cape i., 125, 158
Cattle ii., 363
Causeways i., 327, 331, 359
Causeways ii., 324
Cavaliers i., 144, 154
Cavallero ii., 45
Cavalry i., 162
Cavalry ii., 20, 39, 71, 108, 112, 115, 125, 158, 193, 196, 215, 240
See Horses ii., 258
Cavo, on Cortés' bigotry ii., 454
Cempoalla i., 194, 198, 201, 204, 206, 209, 229
Cempoalla ii., 24, 35, 47
Cempoallan allies i., 231, 233, 238, 246, 291, 293, 313, 461, 473, 420
Ceremonies, religious i., 40
Ceutla, battle of i., 163
Chalcas i., 446
Chalco ii., 183, 196, 202, 203, 225, 231
Chalco, lake of i., 81, 324, 327, 383
Champollion i., 58, 390, 434
Chapoltepec i., 81, 344, 361, 365, 475
Charles V., Spain under i., 120
discovery by the beginning of his reign i., 122
Cortés' first letter to i., 215
Cortés' first letter to ii., 150
discussion before, on the civilisation of Indians i., 222
Montezuma's gifts to ii., 4-8
his first visit to Spain after his accession ii., 16
his treatment of envoys from Cortés ii., 16
second letter to, by Cortés ii., 151
absent ii., 218
grant by, to Cortés, for capturing Guatemozin ii., 443
third letter to, from Cortés, and one from the army ii., 314
in Spain ii., 317
board by, respecting Cortés ii., 317
powers given by, to Cortés ii., 319
fifth letter to ii., 449
appoints a Juez de Residencia ii., 348
writes to Cortés ii., 349
orders him to return to Spain ii., 351
gives audience to him ii., 355
confides in Cortés ii., 356
visits him ii., 356
honours and rewards Cortés ii., 356
goes to Italy ii., 358
absence of ii., 366
applications to, by Cortés, and the result ii., 367
last letter to, by Cortés ii., 368
Chase, Montezuma's fondness for i., 410
Chastity, injunctions as to ii., 403
Chiahuitzlan i., 203
Chiapa ii., 395
Chichemecatl ii., 188
Chichemecatl i., 226, 263, 15
Chichimeca i., 421
Chichimeca ii., 393
Children, baptising and naming of i., 40
Children, baptising and naming of ii., 388
education and discipline of i., 42, 85
sacrificed i., 293
Cortés' treatment of i., 306
stew of, for Montezuma i., 476
Chimalpopoca sacrificed, 431
China i., 425, 427, 441
Chinantlan allies ii., 26, 43
Chinese i., 75
Chinese ii., 392, 400
Chivalry, spirit of ii., 210, 270
Chocolate i., 78, 87, 369, 424
Cholula, traditions connected with Quetzalcoatl at i., 38, 181, 288
Cholula, traditions connected with Quetzalcoatl at ii., 4, 167
account of i., 287, 289, 291
pilgrims to i., 289
entered by the Spaniards i., 291
junction of Cortés and Velasquez de Leon at ii., 25, 28
Olid's countermarch on ii., 144
coincidences of the tower of Babel and the temple of ii., 387
Cholulan allies ii., 144, 159, 263
Cholulans i., 238
distrust of i., 238
summons to the i., 285
embassy from the i., 286
their reception of the Spaniards i., 292
conspiracy of the i., 293
to aid Cortés i., 297
massacred i., 304
efforts to convert i., 312

Christianity, ideas, rites and usages, not unlike to, among the Mexicans i., 37, 40, 42, 386
measures for conversion to i., 107, 123, 154, 211, 233, 237, 281
measures for conversion to ii., 333, 340, 341
on conquest for conversion to ii., 308, 404
duty to convert to ii., 404, 470
attempts to convert Montezuma to ii., 345, 348, 400, 10, 94
Maxixca ii., 148
his son, and Xicontencatl ii., 153
after the Conquest ii., 322, 327
rapid spread of ii., 327
See Cortés
Chronology i., 64, 349
Churches ii., 117, 121, 274, 323
Cihuaca ii., 126
Cimatlan, phonetic sign for i., 48
Cioacoatl, Eve and ii., 387
Circulating medium i., 32, 379
Civilisation, Mexican claim to i., 40
of the Tezcucans over the rest of Anahuac i., 113
in Yucatan i., 125
in Cozumel i., 154
at Tabasco i., 160
of Tlascala i., 180
of Tlascala i., 243
as shown in Indian manuscripts i., 461
of Indians, discussed i., 225
at Iztapalapan i., 328, 330
in Mexico i., 348
essay on the origin of Mexican ii., 383
similarity and dissimilarity of, in the two continents ii., 385
two general conclusions respecting it ii., 400
Claudian, cited i., 472
Clavigero i., 34, 419, 420, 421, 422, 428, 430, 432, 435, 464
Clavigero ii., 460
Clement VII., pope ii., 451
Cloths, Mexican i., 82, 287
Coanaco ii., 165, 167, 288, 339
Coatepec, town of ii., 164
Coatzacualco i., 415, 26, 44, 333
Cochineal i., 81, 232, 477
Cocotlan i., 235
Code, military ii., 1, 60
Codex Telleriano-Remensis i., 430, 434
Cofre de Perote, a volcano i., 234
Cogolludo on ruins in America ii., 464
Cojohuacan ii., 214, 226, 230, 289, 313, 350, 369
Cojohuacan causeway ii., 214, 230, 233
Colhuacan, hospital at i., 179
Colhuans, i., 421
Coliman founded ii., 324
Colonial administration of Spain under Charles V. i., 120
Colonisation, progress of, by the beginning of the reign of Charles v. i., 122
not attempted by Grijalva i., 127, 140
Velasquez obtains authority for i., 451
plan of, at Vera Cruz i., 196
at Coatzacualco i., 415
Colour of Mexican hieroglyphics i., 47
Columbus, Christopher i., 124, 426
Columbus, Christopher ii., 352
Columbus, Diego i., 124
Columbus, Ferdinand i., 450
Communion, Aztec and pagan ii., 388
Columbus, Diego ii., 389
"Companions," the i., 437
Compostella, Castilian cortes at ii., 16
Concubines of Tezcucan princes i., 104
Confession i., 42
Confession ii., 459
Conquerors, distribution of Indians among the Spanish i., 123
Conquests i., 308, 403, 424, 217
Conspiracy i., 292
Conspiracy ii., 218
Continency of Aguilar i., 157
Convent of St. Francis i., 462
Convent of St. Francis ii., 348, 353
Conversion, Las Casas on forced i., 453
object of the Spaniards ii. See Christianity, 160
Copal, tribute of i., 424
Copan ii., 343
Copper, weapons headed with i., 258
tools of ii., 395
Cora language ii., 462
Cordillera mountains i., 12
Cordillera mountains i., 78
Cordova, Gonsalvo de ii., 393
Cordova, Hernandez de i., 125, 149
Coronation of Montezuma i., 178
Corral, ensign ii., 204, 256
Cortés, Hernando i., 49
Velasquez selects him for an expedition i., 128, 138
birth and genealogy of i., 129
his early years i., 129
in Hispaniola i., 130
in Cuba i., 134
marriage of, with Catalina Xuarez i., 134, 136
his difficulties with Velasquez i., 137
put In Irons i., 135, 136
escapes twice i., 136
the Armada intrusted to him as captain general i., 138, 142, 145
applies all his money to fitting out the fleet i., 139, 140, 144, 196
instructions to, by Velasquez i., 140
his clandestine embarkation i., 144
his measures for equipment i., 143, 144, 145
personal appearance i., 146
strength of his armament i., 148, 149
his address to his soldiers i., 149
at Cozumel i., 151
endeavours to liberate captive Christians i., 153
his zeal to convert the natives i., 154, 165, 189, 202, 210, 233, 237, 312, 383
his zeal to convert the natives ii., 153, 160, 216
at Tabasco i., 158, 160
his first interview with Mexicans i., 171
his presents and demand to see Montezuma i., 172
embassy returns to, with presents from Montezuma i., 184
his second message to Montezuma i., 188
the reply i., 189
first made acquainted with the condition of Mexico i., 194, 203
his resignation and reappointment i., 196
his resignation and reappointment ii., 32
his policy with the Totonacs and Montezuma i., 204
another Aztec embassy to i., 208
aids the cacique of Cempoalla i., 209
hangs up Morla i., 209
reconciles Totonacs i., 209
his despatches to Spain i., 214, 215
condemns conspirators i., 217
destroys his ships, (See Armada) i., 218, 461
his embassy to Tlascala i., 238
his vigilance i., 239, 248, 263, 281, 302, 315, 342
his vigilance ii., 13, 184
his march to Tlascala i., 238, 248, 278
ill of a fever i., 267, 270
malcontents expostulate with i., 270
mutilates Tlascalan spies i., 270
Montezuma discourages his visit to Mexico i., 275
invited to Mexico i., 284
massacre by, at Cholula i., 304
prohibition of wanton injuries by i., 306, 308
encourages the disaffection of the Aztecs i., 322
his entrance into Mexico i., 325, 341
visited by Montezuma i., 334
his quarters i., 341
his visit to Montezuma i., 344
descendants of, now in Mexico, (See Monteleone) i., 344
visits the market i., 375
the great temple i., 380
its sanctuaries i., 383
chapel granted to i., 386
discovers hidden treasures i., 387
his seizure of Montezuma i., 396
seizes Cacama i., 413
willing to relinquish his share of Montezuma's gift ii., 9

on profaning Mexican temples ii., 10
learns Narvaez's arrival ii., 21
his treatment of envoy prisoners ii., 23
his letter to Narvaez ii., 23
marches against him ii., 26, 27
his parting with Montezuma ii., 27
met by Guevara and Duero as envoys ii., 31
summons Narvaez ii., 32
assaults and defeats him ii., 37
his treatment of him ii., 40
of the captives and his own troops ii., 42
his return to Mexico ii., 45
his forces ii., 47, 44
releases Cuitlahua ii., 46
rehorses Duero ii., 73
wounded ii., 74, 83, 93, 119, 125, 131, 210, 255
leads in storming the great temple ii., 84
addresses the Aztecs through Marina ii., 86
builds a manta ii., 90
deceived, and releases priests ii., 92
exposures and hardihood of ii., 93
Montezuma's last conversation with ii., 96
his respect for Montezuma's memory ii., 100
his retreat from Mexico ii., 104
at Popotla ii., 112
loss of his diary ii., 115
kills Cihuaca at the battle of Otumba ii., 126
at Tlascala ii., 129
remonstrance with, by the troops ii., 133
his expedition against Tepeacans ii., 142
against Quauhquechollan ii., 144
at Itzocan ii., 146
increase of his authority ii., 147
his plans for recovering Mexico ii., 147, 158, 159, 162, 225, 151
his despatches to St. Domingo ii., 152
triumphal return of, to Tlascala ii., 153
his forces ii., 158
enters Tezcuco ii., 166
his mission to Guatemozin ii., 178
reconciles Indian allies ii., 185
his reception of brigantines from Tlascala ii., 187
reconnoitres the capital ii., 1, 90, 195, 196
at Xochimilco ii., 211
at Cojohuacan ii., 214
proceedings in Spain in regard to ii., 218
conspiracy against, in the camp ii., 219
his bodyguard ii., 224
his forces ii., 225
makes three divisions ii., 226, 437
with his fleet at Iztapalapan ii., 231
takes post at Xoloc ii., 233
his movements on the causeway ii., 235
levels buildings ii., 236, 240, 270, 275
his proffers to Guatemozin ii., 249, 268, 280
assaults the city ii., 250
reconnoitres Alderete's route ii., 253
anxiety respecting ii., 258
gives the command to Sandoval ii., 266
his entries into the tianguez ii., 276
murderous assault by ii., 282
his last assault ii., 284
his reception of Guatcmozin ii., 289
permits him to be tortured ii., 310
sends detachments to the Pacific Ocean ii., 312
rebuilding of Mexico by ii., 313
rebuilding of Mexico by ii., 318
his third letter, and one from the army ii., 314
complaints against, in Spain ii., 315
board appointed respecting ii., 317
the charges against, and the replies ii., 317, 348, 360
commission and powers given to ii., 319
founds settlements ii., 324
joined by his wife ii., 325
the ordinances made by ii., 447
his scruples about slavery ii., 326
his desire of religious teachers ii., 326
his regulations respecting agriculture ii., 328
voyages and expeditions of ii., 329
his instructions for expeditions ii., 330
looks into the resources of the country ii., 331, 332, 344
his expedition to Honduras ii., 333
his expedition to Honduras ii., 450
his fifth letter ii., 351, 408, 449
at Truxillo ii., 344
further plans of conquest by ii., 344
embarks and returns ii., 347
sick and despondent ii., 347
driven to Cuba ii., 347
at St. Juan de Ulua and Medellin ii., 347
triumphal return of, to Mexico ii., 348
superseded by a juez de residencia ii., 348
further faction against in Spain ii., 348, 350, 356
urged to assert his authority ii., 350
ordered to leave Mexico ii., 350
ordered to Spain ii., 351
arrival of, in Spain ii., 352
meets Pizarro ii., 353
at Guadaloupe ii., 354
his reception ii., 355
his interview with the emperor ii., 355
marquis of Oaxaca ii., 356
gift of land to ii., 356
not reinstated in government ii., 357
captain-general of New Spain ii., 357
second marriage of ii., 358
embarks for New Spain ii., 358
an investigation of his conduct by the Royal Audience ii., 360
accused of murdering his first wife ii., 361
to keep ten leagues from Mexico ii., 362
welcome to, at Tezcuco ii., 362
retires to Cuernavaca ii., 362
expeditions of, for discovery ii., 363, 365
his final return to Castile ii., 366
his attendance on the Council of the Indies ii., 366
joins an expedition against Algien ii., 367
wrecked ii., 367
his applications to the emperor ii., 367
his last letter to him ii., 368
prepares to return to Mexico ii., 369
sick ii., 369
his will ii., 369
dies ii., 371
orders of, respecting his bones ii., 371
obsequies of ii., 372
his children and descendants ii., 373
his character ii., 373
ascendancy over his soldiers ii., 375
compared to Hannibal ii., 375
as a conqueror ii., 376
not cruel ii., 377
in private life ii., 377
his bigotry ii., 378
his dress and appearance ii., 379
his education See Spaniards ii., 379
Cortés, Don Luis ii., 366, 373
Cortés, Don Martin ii., 16, 317
Cortés, Don Martin, son of Marina i., 170
Cortés, Don Martin, son of Marina ii., 341, 373
Cortés, Don Martin, son of Cortés by his second marriage ii., 366
wrecked ii., 367
provision for ii., 369
present at his father's death ii., 371
persecuted ii., 373
Cosmogony, Humboldt on, i, 427
Cottons, given to Cortés i., 173, 186, 208
Cotton mail i., 31, 145, 163, 258
Council of finance i., 94
of justice i., 94
of music i., 95
of state i., 95
of war i., 94
Council of the Indies i., 121
Council of the Indies ii., 218, 315, 367
Courts, Aztec i., 23, 83, 379
Cozumel i., 126, 151, 156
Cozumel Cross ii., 457
Crimes, punishment for i., 24
Crosses of stone, in Yucatan i., 126
in Cozumel i., 154
at Tabasca i., 167
at Cempoalla i., 189
at Naulinco i., 233
frequency of i., 462
frequency of ii., 388
on raising, at Tlatlauquitepec, or Cocotlan i., 237
at Tlascala i., 282
upon Quetzalcoatl's temple, at Cholula i., 312
at Mexico i., 383
pulled down ii., 11, 85
Cruz del Marques ii., 86, 208, 237
at Palenque ii., 388
Cozumel ii., 457
antiquity and generality of, among Pagans ii., 389

Crowning of Aztec sovereign., 20
Cuba., 124
expeditions from, to Yucatan., 125
Cortés in., 134, 137
propositions in the army to return to., 188, 193, 194, 268
Cortés' emissaries land at., 216
Las Casas' labours in., 220
Cortés' apprehensions from., 313
sailing of Narvaez's fleet from i., 20
desire of troops to return to i., 133, 220
return of some to i., 149
Cortés driven to, See St. Jago de Cuba and Velasquez i., 347
Cuernavaca, or Quauhnahuac i., 206, 266, 362
Cuicuitzca., 415, 48, 165
Cuitlahua, lord of Iztapalapan., 324
interview of, with Cortés., 328
interview of, with Cortés i., 178
accompanies Montezuma., 336
released i., 46, 158
supplies Montezuma's place i., 46, 421
arouses the Aztecs for the battle of Otumba i., 123, 137
notice of i., 137
dies of small-pox i., 148, 155
succeeded by Guatemozin i., 156
Cuitlahuac, Spaniards at., 328
Culinary science, Aztec., 366
Currency, Mexican., 82
Currency, Mexican., 379
Cycles, Aztec., 39, 65, 435
Persian., 435
Etruscan., 436
wheels of., 436
of the lunar reckoning by the priests., 436
analogies respecting, in the Old and the New World i., 386

Dancing, Mexican, i., 87
Dante., 37, 428, 430, 470
Darien, Isthmus of., 122, 123, 157
Darien, Isthmus of i., 48
Dates, on Mexican., 65
Daughters, counsels to., 85
Daughters, counsels to i., 401
Days, Aztec arrangement of., 64
hieroglyphica for., 64
division of civil., 438
coincidences as to the signs of i., 398
Dead, burnt., 40, 448
buried., 428
carried off in battle., 253
Spanish, buried., 261
unburied during the siege i., 272, 279, 292
buried i., 293
coincidences as to the obsequies of the ii. See Funeral Ceremonies., 390
Death, a penalty., 23
judges punished with., 24
for crimes., 26
inflicted on soldiers., 27
two sons put to, by a Tczcucan prince., 32
Defaulters liable to slavery., 29
Deities, Mexican i. See Huitzilopotchli, Idols, Quetzalcoatl, and Tezcatlipoca., 37
Deities, Mexican., 45, 46, 70, 77, 80, 384, 426
Delafield's Antiquities, map in i., 461
Deluge, coincidences as to the, in the Old and New World i., 386
Denon., 431
Devil, Mexican., 426, 430, 457
Devil, Mexican i., 389., 459
Diary of Cortés, lost i., 115
Diaz, Bernal., 467, 170, 343, 375, 416, 419, 431, 436, 449
Diaz, Juan, the licentiate., 166, 217, 387, 409, 11
Dikes ii. See Causeways and Breaches., 181
Diodorus., 446
Discovery., 75, 121
progress of, by the beginning of the reign of Charles V., 122
catholic and protestant views as to., 307
progress of, under Cortés i., 312, 324, 329, 363
Dishes of Montezuma., 366
Divine book., 434
Domestic manners of the Aztecs., 84
Dominican friars., 123, 221
Dove on the topmast., 132
coincidences with Noah's i., 386
Drain of Huehuetoca., 358
Drawbridges, Mexican., 336, 359
Drawbridges, Mexican i., 48
Dresden Codex., 62
Drawbridges, Mexican i., 388
Dresses of Aztec warriors., 31
owls embroidered on., 426
of Cholulans., 292
of Aztec chiefs., 334
of Montezuma., 336
of Montezuma., 366
of Montezuma i., 78
of Mexicans., 375
of Mexicans i., 69, 107
of Indian allies i., 159
Drought at Tezcuco., 352
Drum, the Tlascalan., 250
the huge Mexican., 381
the huge Mexican i., 105
of the war-god, sounded for the sacrifice of Spaniards i., 263
Ducat., 456
Duero, Andres de., 138, 143, 24, 31, 32, 40, 72, 134, 149
Dupaix., 438, 382, 463
on Mexican tools i., 464
on antediluvian buildings i., 465
Duponceau, P. S. i., 460, 461
Dyes, and dye-woods, Mexican., 81, 123

Earthenware, Aztec., 81
Earthquake, Aztec symbol for., 48
Eclipses, Aztec knowledge as to., 69
Education, Aztec., 41, 85, 385
for the profession of hierogly phical painting., 49
the council of music virtually a board of., 95
of the Tezcucan royal household., 101
Egyptians, temples of., 431
hieroglyphics of., 46
Sothic period of., 437
Sophocles on the., 439
addresses to their kings by priests., 101
their representations of the human frame i., 395
Emeralds, Mexican, use of., 80
one of the, sent to Spain i., 314
given by Cortés to his second wife i., 451
Emperor., 21
Emperor., 457
Era, the Mexican., 65
Escalante, Juan de., 229, 231, 313, 391, 392
Escobar., 197
Escobar i., 83
Escudero, Juan., 136, 218
Estates held by Aztec nobles., 22
Estrada i., 348
Estrada, Maria de i., 107
Estrella., 449, 451, 453
Etruscans, cycles of the., 436
Eucharist, rite analagous to the i., 388
Euripides i., 458
Eve, Aztec coincidences as to i., 387
Everett, Edward i., 466

Fairs i. See Market., 64
Fairs., 82, 83, 280, 378
Falsehood, a capital offence., 95
Famine in Mexico i., 247, 248, 264, 268, 271
at Honduras i., 343
Fans, given by Montezuma., 459
Farfan i., 38
Feather-work, mantles of, for tribute., 28, 424
worn by warriors., 31
manufacture of., 82
made by the royal household of Tezcuco., 101
given to Cortés., 101, 186, 208, 275, 323, 459
worn by Tlascalans i., 159
Ferdinand and Isabella., 119
Festivals for deities., 38, 45, 70

Festivities, style of i., 85
Feudal system, in Anahuac i., 22, 242
Fever. See Vomito
Figurative writing i. See Hieroglyphics, 46
Fire-arms i., 163, 261
Fire-arms ii., 115, 150
Fires always burning i., 45, 290, 381, 385
First-fruits i., 43
Fish i., 330, 365
Flemings in Spain i., 120
Floating gardens, or chinampas i. See Gardens, 327, 334, 358
Flowers, fondness for i., 200, 292, 321, 378
in the Iztapalapan gardens i., 329
Fohi i., 427
Fonseca, Juan Rodriguez de, Bishop of Burgos, notices of i., 221
Fonseca, Juan Rodriguez de, Bishop of Burgos, notices of ii., 16
his hostility to Columbus, to his son, and to Cortés ii., 16, 152, 319
exertions of, against Cortés and his envoys ii., 16, 218, 315, 318
orders Cortés to Spain for trial ii., 149
procures the passing of ordinances ii., 219, 315
interdiction of ii., 317
end of his influence ii., 319
his death, 319
Forbidden fruit, the i., 439
Forests i. See Fuel, 13, 106, 238, 321
Fractions, arithmetical, of Aztecs i., 64
Franciscan friars ii., 327
Franklin, Benjamin i., 443
French atrocities i., 309
Fruit trees, not allowed in Montezuma's gardens i., 476
Fuel, on gathering i., 106
Funeral ceremonies, Aztec i., 40
for Nezahualpilli i. See Dead, 115
Funeral piles i., 448, 39

Galindo, Colonel ii., 465
Gallatin, Albert ii., 466
Gallejo, Don Pedro ii., 425
Galvez, castle of i., 365
Gama, Antonio i., 73, 431, 432, 435, 438
Gaming i., 407, 9, 160
Gante, Pedro de, convent by ii., 322
Gauntlet, run by Spaniards i., 479
Garay, Francisco de i., 229
Garay, Francisco de ii., 149
Gardens of plants i., 79
of Iztapalapan i., 329
first European i., 473
Montezuma's i., 365
at Huaxtepec ii. See Floating Gardens, 198
Gerolt, Frederico de i., 472
Gibbon, Edward i., 461
Girls, counsels given to i., 85
Girls, counsels given to ii., 401
Gladiatorial sacrifices i., 430
Glass sent to Montezuma i., 173
Gold, tribute of i., 28
Gold, tribute of i., 79
said to be found in temples i., 429
traffic with i., 82
mines of, worked in Cuba i., 125, 137
curiously wrought specimens of, from Yucatan i., 126
plates of, given to Grijalva i., 126
trade for ornaments and vessels of i., 128
despatched to Spain by Velasquez i., 128
Spanish desire of i., 160, 165, 171, 315, 7
given to Cortés by Teuhtlile i., 173
presented by Montezuma i., 186, 208, 312, 323, 343, 348, 459
relinquished by the conquerors i., 214
relinquished by the conquerors ii., 9
sent by Cortés to Spain i., 214
four loads of, offered as a bribe to Cortés i., 323
worn by Montezuma i., 336
sent by Montezuma to the Castilian sovereign ii., 4
comparison of, with silver ii., 415
converted into chains ii., 10, 103
effect of the arrival of, in Spain ii., 16
given to Narvaez's soldiers ii., 44
fate of, on the evacuation of Mexico ii., 103, 119, 427
given for maize bread ii., 429
cannon of, sent to Spain ii., 448
carried to Spain by Cortés ii., 352
drawn from Tehuantepec by Cortés ii. See Treasure, 363
Golfo Dolce ii., 343
Gomara, Francisco Lopez, de i., 215, 430, 450, 452, 115, 170, 340, 420, 423, 451, 466
Goods, sale and transportation of i., 83
Government in Anahuac i., 18
under Nezahualcoyotl i., 94
of the Tlascalans i., 241
of Cholula i., 287
Grado, Alonso de i., 406
Granaries i., 29, 77
Grijalva, Juan de i., 126, 127, 140, 144, 149, 168, 183
Grijalva, river of i., 126, 158
Guadaloupe ii., 354
Guatemala ii., 331, 398
Guatemozin, Montezuma's nephew ii., 98
Tecuichpo, wife of ii., 98, 156, 289, 449
elected emperor ii., 156
rallies for defence of his capital ii., 156
missions to ii., 178, 186
his animosity to the Spaniards ii., 186
his application to Tangapan ii., 433
Cortés' desire of an interview with ii., 194
attempts the recovery of Chalco ii., 199
to relieve Xochimilco ii., 211
his policy ii., 213, 243
proffers to ii., 249, 268, 280
effect of his machinations ii., 266
council called by ii., 269
his palace ii., 271
declines meeting Cortés ii., 281, 284
efforts of, to escape ii., 284
captured, 287
intercedes for his wife and followers ii., 287
his interview with Cortés ii., 289
torture of ii., 310, 316, 318
regarded as a rebel ii., 336
executed ii., 337
remarks on ii., 337
Guevara, Narvaez's envoy to Sandoval ii., 21
Cortés' reception of ii., 23
his return ii., 24
envoy to Cortés ii., 31, 32
Gulf of California ii., 312, 363
penetrated by Ulloa ii., 365
called Sea of Cortés ii., 366
Gulf of Mexico i., 122, 415
Gunpowder ii., 154, 323
Guns. See Cannon and Firearms,
Guzman ii., 256, 263
Guzman, Nuñez de ii., 360, 362, 364

Hanging gardens i. See Floating Gardens, 102
Hardy, Lieutenant ii., 462
Harems, royal i., 98, 322, 366
Hatuey on Spaniards and heaven i., 124
Havana i., 449
the armada at i., 145, 148
orders respecting Cortés at i. See Cuba, 148
Heaven, the Aztec i., 428
Hatuey's remark on i., 124
Heckewelder, John i., 426
Heeren, A. H. L. i., 426, 431, 432
Helmet, the Aztec i., 31
filled with gold-dust i., 173, 186
Hernandez, Fr. i., 101, 439, 443, 446, 435
Herodotus i., 425, 426
Herrera, Ant. de i., 349, 449, 450, 451, 453, 473, 475, 476, 477
Herrera, Ant. de ii., 420, 427, 430

Hidalguia, privileges of the ii., 437
Hieroglyphics i., 45
Egyptian and Aztec compared i., 45
Egyptian and Aztec compared ii., 396
chiefly representative among the Mexicans i., 48
of the Mendoza Codex i., 61, 62
of the Dresden Codex ii., 396
on interpreting i., 62
on interpreting ii., 391
in the lunar calendar i., 67
of the Aztec calendar ii. See Paintings, 390
Hieronymite commission i., 123, 128, 141, 217, 221
High-priests, Aztec i., 41, 92, 155
Hispaniola, Las Casas in i., 220
despatches to, by Cortés i., 152
detention of Cortés at ii., 360
Holguin captures Guatemozin ii., 285
quarrels with Sandoval ii., 288
Honduras ii., 330, 333, 348, 399
Horn of Guatemozin sounded ii., 253, 257
Horse, homage to the ii., 342
Horses in Cortés' expedition i., 149
Motilla ii., 258
landing of, at Tabasco i., 161
loss of at Tlascala i., 247, 250
buried i., 251
all wounded i., 261
give out i., 267
effect of, at Mexico i., 340
Aztecs cling to ii., 71
eaten ii., 118
new supply of ii., 150
loss of, at the general assault See Cavalry, 258
Hospitals i., 32, 179
Hours, astrological symbols for ii., 387
Household gods i., 39
broken i., 70
Huacachula ii. See Quauhquechollan, 144
Huaxtepec ii., 197, 205
Huehuetoca i., 358
Huejotlipan ii., 130
Huexotzinco i., 48
Huitzilopotchli., the Mexican Mars i., 38, 383
Huitzilopotchli., the Mexican Mars ii., 83, , 86, 237, 259, 262
Huitzilopotchli's temple, human sacrifices at the dedication of it i., 38, 49
ashes of Nezahualpilli in the i., 448
Spaniards there i., 341
cathedral on its site i., 341, 357, 379
cathedral on its site ii., 322
visited by Cortés i., 380
described i., 380
described ii., 84
view from it i., 381
Christian chapel in ii., II, 40, 85
Mexicans quartered in ii., 83
stormed ii., 84
funeral pyre of ii., 86
Human sacrifices at the installation of monarchs i., 21, 49, 41, 178
of prisoners i., 27, 30, 32, 49
to Huitzilopotchli i., 38, 260
at the funerals of the rich i., 40
at confession and absolution i., 428
origin of, in Anahuac i., 46
of women i., 48
extent of i., 49, 459
measures for procuring victims for i., 49
influence of, on the Aztecs i., 40, 41, 298
compared with the Inquisition ii., 40
voluntary ii., 41
at the kindling of the new fire ii., 71
of Maxtla ii., 93
by Nezahualcoyotl ii., 108
Nezahualcoyotl's ideas respecting ii., 108
at the obsequies of Nezahualpilli ii., 448
at the Isla de los Sacrificios ii., 127
not offered at Cozumel ii., 156
of Christians wrecked at Yucatan ii., 1, 47
at the coronation of Montezuma ii., 178
during his administration ii., 181
remains of, near Vera Cruz ii., 199
victims for, demanded of the Totonacs ii., 204
among the Tlascalans ii., 244
of captives in the Aztec and Tlascalan wars ii., 244
Cempoallan envoys seized for ii., 249
fruits and flowers instead of ii., 288
number of, at Cholula ii., 290
of children ii., 293
promise from Montezuma respecting ii., 409
of Spaniards ii., 86, 107, 158, 165, 213, 260, 263, 273
among the Mongols, See Cannibalism and Prisoners i., 390
Humboldt, maps of i., 420
on the extent of the Aztec empire i., 419
on the extent of Anahuac i., 420
on the Aztec cosmogony and that of Eastern Asia i., 427
on the Aztec annals i., 432
on the Dresden Codex i., 433
on the publication of Aztec remains i., 438
on the musa i., 439
on silk among the Aztecs i., 441
on diseases in Mexico i., 455
on the volcano Orizaba i., 458
on the Cofre de Perote i., 462
on the mound to Quetzalcoatl i., 468
on Montano's ascent i., 472
identifies localities i., 474
on the drain of Huehuetoca i., 475
on the comparative quantities of silver and gold. ii., 415
on the pyramids of Teotihuacan ii., 427
on the avenue to Iztapalapan ii., 436
on Mexican languages ii., 460
on the colour of the aborigines ii., 462
Humming-birds i., 362, 387
Hymns. See Songs

Idols i., 156, 212
Idols ii., 86, 342
Immortality. See Future Life
Incense i., 204, 273, 344
Incensing of Huitzilopotchli ii., 40
India i., 426
Indian allies i., 248
Indian allies ii., 159, 162, 167, 185, 248, 262, 265, 330
Indians, Aztecs and, differ in domestic manners i., 87
repartimientos in regard to i., 123, 221
commission respecting i., 123
held in slavery that they may be Christianised i., 123
Las Casas insists upon the entire freedom of the i., 123
treatment of, at Cozumel i., 151
fight the Spaniards, at Tabasco i., 158
at Ceutla i., 162
interview with, at San Juan de Ulua i., 168
aid the Spaniards i., 172
on the civilisation of i., 222
taken by Spaniards i., 255
find Spanish newcomers to be enemies of the old ii., 20, 25
Infidelity i., 470
Inquisition i., 41, 42
Intemperance i., 26, 87
Intercalation among the Aztecs i., 64, 436
Persian i., 435
Persian ii., 391
Iron i., 79
Iron ii., 395, 399
Irrigation i., 77, 238
Irving, Washington i., 453, 446
Isla de los Sacrificios i., 127, 168
Israelites i., 73, 386
Israelites ii., 389
Itzalana ii., 394
Itzocan ii., 146
Itztli i., 80
Itztli i., 257
Ixtlixochitl, son of Nezahualpilli i., 180, 285, 411
Ixtlixochitl, son of Nezahualpilli ii., 167, 177, 200, 239, 241, 263
Ixtlilxochitl, the historian, on the extent of Anahuac i., 420
on feudal chiefs i., 423
on halls of justice and judgments in Tezcuco i., 423
on the cycles i., 427
on sacrifices at the dedication of