Absorbed heat changed into chemical separation, 114.
into actual visible energy, 105.
into light and beat, 117.
Acquisition, 232.
Actinic rays, 129.
Action and reaction equal and opposite, 8.
Affinity, chemical, 53.
Air and water in motion, 147.
Albuminoids, 177, 183.
Amber, 61.
Ampere, 75.
Amyloids, 177, 183.
Ancients, their ideas not prolific, 135.
Andrews, 141.
Animal heat, 207.
Animals, how they live, 188.
Animals and inanimate machines, 165.
Aristotle on a medium, 134.
on mind and body, 207.
Atmospheric circulation, 109.
Atomic forces and heat, 58.
Atomic or chemical separation, 80.
Atoms and molecules, 51.
Attention, 232.
Attraction, molecular, 52.
mutual, of atoms, 64.
and repulsion of magnets, 75.
of electric currents, 75.
Bacon, 133, 137.
Battery of Grove, 70.
Budding, 180.

Caloric, 38.
Carnivora, 189.
Chemical affinity, 53.
and electrical attraction, 64.
and heat, 58.
Chemical combination producing heat, 119.
Chemical instability, 156.
Chemical separation converted into electrical separation, 122.
into electricity in motion, 123.
Chlorophyll, 177.
Chrysalis, 187.
Circulation of the atmosphere, 109.
Clausius, 141.
Cohesion, force of, 51.
Cold apparently produced by the electric current, 126.
Conduction of electricity, 61.
Conservation, laws of, 82.
theory of, 140.
Crossbow and watch-spring, 25.
Current, the electric, 69.
and magnetism, 72.
heating effect of, 73.
chemical effect of, 74.
Currents, electric, attraction and repulsion of, 74.
induction of, 75.

Dalton, 133.
Davy, Sir Humphrey, 38, 137.
Democritus on atoms, 133.
Descartes, 136.
Diastase, 184.
Disease-germs, 3.
Dissipation of energy, 141.
Dissociation, 116.

Egg, development of the, 186.
Electric current, 69.
and magnetism, 72.
heating effect of, 73.
chemical effect of, 74.
induction, 65.
Electrical attraction and chemical affinity, 64.

Electrical separation, 81.
when produced, 64.
transmuted into visible motion, 124.
into electric current, 124.
Electro-magnetism, 72.
Elastic forces, 50.
Electricity, 60.
vitreous and resinous, 63.
negative and positive, 63.
theory of, 63.
in motion, 81.
transmuted into visible motion, 124.
into heat, 125.
into chemical separation, 127.
Encke's comet, 96.
Energies, list of, 78-82.
natural, and their sources, 143.
Energy, meaning of, 1-22.
of bodies in motion proportional to their weight or mass, 14.
proportional to the square of the velocity, 19.
of visible motion, its transmutation, 87.
visible, transformed into absorbed heat, 88.
dissipation of, 141.
transmutations of, 27.
varies as the square of the velocity, 15.
of motion, 24.
transformed into electrical separation, 98.
of position, a sort of capital, 26.
Equilibrium, 154.
Etiolation, 180.

Fermentation, 183.
Food, 145.
Force, vital, whence derived, 171.
physical, 194.
chemical, 194.
of chemical affinity, 53.
of cohesion, 51.
Force, mechanical or molar, 205.
molecular, 205.
Friction, 35.

Heat, absorbed, changed into chemical separation, 114.
into electrical separation, 115.
into electricity in motion, 116.
Heat-units of different substances, 119.
Heat-motion, 80.
Heat-engines, their essential conditions, 107.
Helmholtz, 141.
Heraclitus on energy, 133.
Herbivora, 191.
Heterogeneity essential in electrical development, 64.
Huyghens, 137.
Hydraulic press, 32.

Inclined plane, 28.
Incubation, 186.
Individuals, our ignorance of, 1.
Induction, electric, 65.
of electric currents, 75.
Instability, mechanical, 155.
chemical, 156.
Intellectual labor, 234.

Joule, 137, 140, 141.
Joule's experiments on work and heat, 44.

Kilogrammetre, 16.

Larva, 187.
Latent heat, 57.
Laws of conservation, 82.
Life depends on the sun, 165.
Light, a perpetual, impossible, 149.
Lime, carbonate, easily decomposed, 58.
List of energies, 78-82.

Machines, their true function, 33.
animated and inanimate, 157.

Magnets, attachment and repulsion of, 75.
Maxwell, 141.
Mayer, 140.
Mechanical energy changed into heat, 23.
equivalent of heat, 43.
force, 205.
instability, 155.
Mental forces, mutual correlations of, 227-236.
Mind, its correlations to natural forces, 218-227.
and body, 207, 211.
Molar force, 205.
Molecular attraction and heat, 55.
separation, 80.
Molecules, ultimate, of matter, 5.
their motions, 7.
and atoms, 51.
Motion changed into an electric current, 99.
Muscular power, 207.

Narcotic stimulants, 229.
Negative and positive electricity, 63.
Nerve power, 207.
Newton, 136, 137.
Non-couductors of electricity, 61.
Percussion, 36.
Perpetual motion, 139.
Physical force, 194.
Plants growing at night, 181
Positive and negative electricity, 63.
Protoplasm, 177.
Pulleys, their function, 30.

Radiant energy, 81.
converted into absorbed heat, 123.
promoting chemical separation, 123.
Rankine, 141.
Resinous and vitreous electricity, 63.
Rotation of earth retarded, 95.
Rumford, 39, 137.

Silver oxide readily decomposed, 58.
Solar rays, decomposition by, 59.
Sulphur, 146.
Sun—a source of high-temperature heat, 148.
Sun's heat, origin of, 150.
spots, auroras, and cyclones correlated, 98.

Tait, 141.
Temperature of dissociation, 115.
Thermo-electricity, 116.
Thermopile, 117.
Thomas Aquinas, 209.
Thomson, William and James, 140.
Tides, 146.
Tissues, decay of, 164.

Universe, its probable fate, 152
Units of heat and work, 46.

Vegetation, 176.
Velocity and energy, relation between, 16.
Virtual velocities, 34.
principle of, its history, 137.
Vital force, whence derived, 171.
Vitality, 194.
Vitreous and resinous electricity, 63.
Voltaic current, 69.
and magnetism, 72.
heating effect of, 73.
chemical effect of, 74.

Water at high level, 24.
Watt, 138.
Wild's electro-magnetic machine, 103.
Will, 194.
Work, definition of, 15.
unit of, 15.
rise of true conceptions regarding, 138.

Yeast-plant, 185.