The Czechoslovak Review/Volume 3/Miscellaneous (6)

3114623The Czechoslovak Review, volume 3, no. 41919Jaroslav František Smetánka

Rumors of President Masaryk’s resignation as a result of the communist revolution in Budapest struck the Czechoslovaks in America as silly. Masaryk is not a man to quit his post, when his country faces a crisis.

I saw with my own eyes and came in close touch with the Czechoslovak officers and men. They were admired by all of us, not only for their gallant appearance, but they were also esteemed as brave warriors, most perfect gentlemen and splendid citizens. I always had the most friendly relations with Czechoslovak officers and soldiers. I was interested in their political aspirations, and everywhere and in all circumstances I found them the same: noble, unselfish, strong in their duties and faith. In Omsk I was proclaimed by the Czechoslovaks the “grand mother” of their troops in Russia. There, as well as in Ekaterinburg, in Cheliabinsk, in Ufa, in Samara, in all these places I always found them fine men, beloved and esteemed by all the Russians.—