The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Airy, Major Henry Park

recorded in contemporary sources of the period as Henry Park(e) Airey

686785The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Airy, Major Henry ParkPhilip Mennell

Airy, Major Henry Park, D.S.O., of the New South Wales Artillery, was formerly in the 101st Foot; and having become attached to the New South Wales military forces, of which he became captain in March 1885, served in the Soudan campaign with the colonial contingent, receiving a medal, with clasp, for the advance on Tamai. He served with the British army in Burmah in 1886 and 1887, and having behaved with great gallantry and been severely wounded, was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order (in 1888), was mentioned in despatches, and pensioned by the Government of India. In further recognition of his brilliant services in Burmah, he was, in June 1887, appointed a brevet-major in the New South Wales forces by Lord Carrington, then Governor of that colony.