The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Bromby, Rev. John Edward

He died on 4th March, not 9th; married Miss Lilly, not Lilley. See Discussion.

1324368The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Bromby, Rev. John EdwardPhilip Mennell

Bromby, Rev. John Edward, M.A., D.D., son of Rev. J. H. Bromby, Vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Hull, and elder brother of the Right Rev. Charles Henry Bromby, sometime Bishop of Tasmania, was born in 1809, and educated at Uppingham and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was for some time scholar; Bell's University Scholar in 1829; B.A. (9th Wrangler and second-class in the Classical Tripos) in 1832; Fellow of St. John's College from 1834 to 1836; M.A. in 1835; B.D. in 1845; D.D. in 1850. Dr. Bromby was ordained deacon in 1834, priest in 1835, and was Vice-principal of Bristol College and Principal of Elizabeth College, Guernsey, from 1847 to 1855, and senior Curate of Holy Trinity, Hall, from 1855 to 1857. He was subsequently appointed headmaster of the Melbourne Church of England Grammar School, and arrived in Melbourne in Feb. 1858. This post Dr. Bromby held until 1875, when he retired amidst universal regret and respect on the part of his old pupils and the public generally. In 1877 he was appointed incumbent of St. Paul's, Melbourne. He married in 1836 a daughter of Alderman Lilley of Bristol, and died on March 9th, 1889.