The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Colton, Hon. Sir John

1362078The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Colton, Hon. Sir JohnPhilip Mennell

Colton, Hon. Sir John, K.C.M.G., formerly Premier, South Australia, was born in Devonshire, on Sept. 20th, 1823, and emigrated to South Australia in 1839. He is the senior partner in the firm of Colton & Co., and a prominent member of the Wesleyan body. He entered public life as an Alderman of the city of Adelaide in 1860, and was elected to the Legislative Assembly for Noarlunga in 1865. He was Commissioner of Public Works in the Strangways Ministry from Nov. 1868 to May 1870, when he retired from office and from Parliament. He was re-elected for Noarlunga in 1872, and was Treasurer in Mr. Boucaut's Government from June 1875 to March 1876, when the Ministry was reconstructed, and Mr. Colton left it. On Mr. Boucaut's defeat in June 1876, Mr. Colton became Premier, with the portfolio of Commissioner of Public Works. In Oct. 1877 he was displaced by Mr. Boucaut. Mr. Colton, who was Mayor of Adelaide in 1874, received Her Majesty's permission to bear the title of "Honourable" within the colony in 1878. In June 1884 he formed his second Administration, and was Premier and Chief Secretary till June 1885. He subsequently retired from public life and paid a lengthened visit to England. In Jan. 1891 he was gazetted K.C.M.G.