The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Egan, Hon. Daniel

1372972The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Egan, Hon. DanielPhilip Mennell

Egan, Hon. Daniel, M.L.A., was born at Windsor, New South Wales, in 1803, and was foreman of the dockyards of Sydney until the establishment was broken up, when he engaged in mercantile pursuits, He was an alderman of the city of Sydney, and Mayor in 1853. Mr. Egan was elected to the Legislative Council in 1854, and in 1856 was returned to the first Legislative Assembly elected under responsible government, as member for Monaro. In 1861 he was elected for Eden, but was rejected by this constituency in 1869, and again returned for Monaro in the same year. He was Postmaster-General in the Robertson and Cowper Ministries from Oct. 1868 until his death on Oct. 16th, 1870.