The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Lyttelton, Right Hon. George William, Lord

1385405The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Lyttelton, Right Hon. George William, LordPhilip Mennell

Lyttelton, Right Hon. George William, Lord, P.C., K.C.M.G., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., eldest son of William Henry, 3rd Baron, and Lady Sarah Spencer, eldest daughter of George John, 2nd Earl Spencer, was born in London on March 31st, 1817, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, graduating first class in the classical tripos in 1838. He succeeded his father, as 4th Baron on April 30th, 1837, and was Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies from Jan. to July 1846. He was Chief Commissioner of Endowed Schools from 1869 to 1874, and was actively interested in all colonial, scholastic, and religious questions. He was one of the principal promoters of the Canterbury settlement, in New Zealand, under Church of England auspices, and paid the settlement a visit in 1868. As one of its founders his name has been given to the Port (Lyttelton) of Christchurch. He was also the owner of considerable property in Canterbury. He is the author of "Ephemera," containing lectures and addresses, etc. Lord Lyttelton married, first, on July 25th, 1839, May, daughter of Sir Stephen Glynne, Bart.; and, secondly, on June 10th, 1869, Sybella Harriet, widow of H. F. Mildmay, and daughter of George Clive, M.P. His lordship, who was a brilliant scholar, died on April 18th, 1876.