The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Moore, Maggie

1412584The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Moore, MaggiePhilip Mennell

Moore, Maggie (Mrs. J. C. Williamson), whose name is a household word in theatrical Australasia, was born in San Francisco, and, like so many eminent actresses, began her professional career in childhood. After making her name as a local favourite, the young actress married Mr. J. C. Williamson, then, like herself, a member of the company of the California theatre. On August 1st, 1874, Mr. and Mrs. Williamson arrived in Melbourne, and achieved phenomenal success with a play entitled "Struck Oil," in which the talented pair fairly divided the honours. At a bound they jumped into the positions of established favourites, and have ever since maintained their hold on the playgoing public of Australia and New Zealand. After her husband became one of the partners in the great theatrical "Trio," both Mr. and Mrs. Williamson continued to act in the leading Australian theatres. Of Maggie Moore herself it needs only to record that she has sustained with unflagging vivacity not only the farcical and eccentric dramatic rôles for which her early training specially fitted her, but by her perseverance, added to native genius, has from time to time appeared in the long series of Gilbert & Sullivan's comic operas, in which she has both sung the music and acted the chief parts with unvarying success.