The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Onslow, Captain Arthur Alexander Walton

1433135The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Onslow, Captain Arthur Alexander WaltonPhilip Mennell

Onslow, Captain Arthur Alexander Walton, R.N., eldest son of Arthur Pooley Onslow of Send Grove, Ripley, Karrey, by his marriage with Rosa Roberta, daughter of Alexander Macleay, F.B.S., sometime Colonial Secretary and Speaker of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, was born at Trichinopoly on August 2nd, 1833, and was taken to Sydney when five years old. In 1841 he went to England, and entered the royal navy in 1847 on board the Howe, commanded by Sir Jas. Stirling, first Governor of Western Australia. After seeing much active service, especially in the suppression of the slave trade off the west coast of Africa, Captain Onslow was employed on the Herald in 1857 in surveying "Shark's Bay," and the numerous detached coral reefs on the Eastern Australian coast, outside the Great Barrier Reefs and in Torres Straits. In 1861 he returned to England, and two years later became commander, and in 1871 retired from the navy with the rank of post-captain. In August 1867 he married Elizabeth, only daughter of James Macarthur (q.v.). In 1870 he was returned to the Assembly for Camden, and in 1874 accompanied Mr. (afterwards Sir) Wm. Macleay on his expedition to New Guinea in the Chevert. Captain Onslow died on Jan. 30th, 1882.