The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Owen, His Honour William

1433355The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Owen, His Honour WilliamPhilip Mennell

Owen, His Honour William, Chief Judge in Equity, New South Wales, youngest son of the late Colonel Owen, of the 72nd Highlanders, whose family is a younger branch of the Owens (now Cholmondeleys), of Condover Hall, Salop, was born in 1834, and educated at Cheltenham College and Trinity College, Dublin, where he was a prizeman and medallist. He was called to the Bar in 1859, and emigrated to New South Wales in 1860. He was made Q.C. in 1882, and Chief Judge in Equity in 1887. Mr. Justice Owen married, firstly, in 1860, a daughter of Langer Carey, M.D., who died in 1866; and secondly, in 1875, Florence, daughter of James Levick, who died in 1876. In 1892 he was appointed one of the commission to inquire into the charges brought against Mr. Eddy, Chief Commissioner of Railways, by Mr. Sohey, M.L.A., in the Legislative Assembly.