The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Rintel, Rev. Moses

1444650The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Rintel, Rev. MosesPhilip Mennell

Rintel, Rev. Moses, was the son of the Rev. Myer Rintel, and was born at Edinburgh in 1824. He emigrated to New South Wales in 1844, and established the Sydney Hebrew Society, of which he became principal. In 1848 he occupied the office of minister to the newly established Jewish congregation in Melbourne, but resigned this charge, and was invited to assist in the formation of a new synagogue in the Victorian metropolis. In 1864, mainly through his exertions, a duly constituted Beth Din (Hebrew court of justice), the only one out of London, was established, of which he acted as chairman. In 1868 the Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and its dependencies assigned to him the position of Senior Minister of the Melbourne Hebrew community. He died on May 9th, 1880.