The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Tucker, Thomas George

1457703The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Tucker, Thomas GeorgePhilip Mennell

Tucker, Thomas George, M.A., Litt. D., Professor of Classics and Comparative Philology in the University of Melbourne, was born in Bucks, England, on March 29th, 1859. He was foundation scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1879, Craven scholar of the University in 1881, Senior Classic, Chancellor's classical medallist, and fellow of St. John's College in 1882. He was appointed Professor of Classics and English at the new University College, Auckland, New Zealand, in 1883; and in June 1885 was elected to his present position in Melbourne. In 1889 he published an important critical edition of the "Supplices" of Æschylus, in recognition of the merits of which work the degree of Doctor in Letters was conferred upon him by the University of Cambridge. He is a contributor to various literary and philological publications, and has collected into a volume entitled "Things Worth Thinking About" a series of lectures on literature and culture previously delivered in Melbourne. A critical edition of "Thucydides, Book VIII.," by him is now in the press. In 1892 he represented Melbourne University at the Dublin University celebration.